Section 74 Lung Size—Varies by Body Size, Age, Gender, and Ethnicity

LibraryDWI Experts and the Science of Chemical Tests 2014

An individual’s vital lung capacity (the difference between the residual lung volume following full exhalation and the total lung-capacity volume at maximum inhalation) can vary from less than 2.0 liters to more than 6.0 liters. The smaller the vital lung capacity found in individuals over 30 years, small stature races, women, small men, and those with pulmonary disorders, the more they are at a disadvantage when taking a breath test. Michael P. Hlastala & Joseph C. Anderson, The Impact of Breathing Pattern and Lung Size on the Alcohol Breath Test, 35 ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENG’G 264 (2007)...

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