Section 6 Institution of Proceedings by the Public Service Commission

LibraryAdministrative Law 2011

The PSC has broad statutory authority to initiate various types of proceedings on its own. It may initiate proceedings with respect to the following:

The safe operation of a public utility’s plant or equipment, § 386.310, RSMo 2000

A public utility’s violations of provisions of the law or of any order or decision of the PSC, § 386.390, RSMo 2000

The propriety of a new individual or joint rate, rental, charge, regulation, or practice, § 392.220, RSMo Supp. 2010, and § 393.150, RSMo 2000

The justness and reasonableness of rules, regulations, or practices; the adequacy of service; and the interconnection of facilities of two or more telecommunications companies, § 392.240, RSMo 2000

Ordering repairs or improvement, §§ 392.250 and 393.140, RSMo 2000

Assigning value to public utility property, §§ 392.270 and 393.230, RSMo 2000

Establishing adequate depreciation rates, §§ 392.280 and 393.240, RSMo 2000

The PSC...

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