Section 31 Application for Approval of Compromise Settlement

LibraryCivil Trial Practice 2008 Supp Forms
In the Circuit Court of Jasper County, Missouri, at Joplin
                | _________ and _____, | ) | No. |
                +----------------------+---+ |
                | Plaintiffs, | ) | |
                +----------------------+---+ |
                | vs. | ) | |
                +----------------------+---+ |
                | __________________, | ) | |
                +----------------------+---+ |
                | Defendant. | ) | |
Application for Approval of Compromise Settlement

Comes now __________________ and _________________, in person, and for their application for approval of compromise settlement of the claim for personal injury and the wrongful death of _____________________, deceased, state as follows:

1. That the plaintiffs, _________________ and _______________, are the surviving parents of _____________________, deceased.

2. That ______________________ and _____________________ were the natural parents of _______________________, deceased, at the time of ________________'s death on or about May 4, 1986; that at the time of [his/her] death ____________________ was single and unmarried and to the best knowledge of the plaintiffs [he/she] was survived by no children, natural or adopted, legitimate or illegitimate.

3. That on or...

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