Section 3 Proceedings Before the Public Service Commission

LibraryAdministrative Law 2011

There are four general methods by which a matter may become a proceeding before the PSC:

1. The filing of an application or petition for affirmative relief

2. The filing of a complaint

3. The initiation of a proceeding by the PSC on its own motion

4. The filing of a “tariff” by a public utility proposing a new rate, practice, or regulation relating to a new rate, or a change in an existing rate, practice, or regulation

The MoAPA has provisions concerning the following:

Pleadings, § 536.063, RSMo 2000

Notice, § 536.067, RSMo 2000

Evidence, § 536.070, RSMo 2000

Depositions and subpoenas, § 536.073, RSMo 2000, and § 536.077, RSMo Supp. 2010

Briefs and decisions, §§ 536.080 and 536.090, RSMo 2000

The procedures set out in the MoAPA apply to “contested cases.” A “[c]ontested case,” as defined by § 536.010(4), RSMo Supp. 2010, is
“a proceeding before an agency in which legal rights...

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