Section 29 Retention of Records

LibraryTax Law 2009

Coded taxpayers must keep records and books as may be required for federal income tax purposes. Sections 144.320 and 144.640, RSMo 2000, indicate that Missouri sales and use tax records should be kept for at least three years unless MoDOR gives written authorization for their destruction. See also 12 C.S.R. §§ 10-3.574 and 10-4.115. Sections 144.320 and 144.330, RSMo 2000, establish requirements for taxpayers’ recordkeeping related to sales and use tax and MoDOR’s right to examine those records. Proposed regulation 12 C.S.R. § 10-101.800, Record Keeping and Record Retention, available at, explains the taxpayer’s responsibility for...

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