Section 27.16 Maximum Fines

LibraryCriminal Practice 2012 Supp

A. (§27.16) Maximum Fines

The maximum amounts a court may impose for a fine are found in §§ 560.011 and 560.016, RSMo 2000:

Classification of the Offense

Maximum Fine

C or D felony

$ 5,000

A misdemeanor

$ 1,000

B misdemeanor

$ 500

C misdemeanor

$ 300


$ 200

In addition, if the defendant has gained money or property through the commission of the crime the defendant is charged with, the defendant may be ordered to pay an amount up to double the amount of the gain and not to exceed $20,000. This amount is to be determined by the court. “Gain” is defined in § 560.011.2 as “the amount of money or the value of property derived from the commission of the crime.”

Corporations are subject to the fines set forth in § 560.021, RSMo 2000, which are:

Classification of the Offense

Maximum Fine


$ 10,000

A misdemeanor

$ 5,000

B misdemeanor

$ 2,000

C misdemeanor

$ 1,000


$ 500

Further, the corporation may be fined a higher amount up to double the amount of the corporation’s gain from the commission of the offense as...

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