Section 25.10 Effective Date

LibraryFamily Law Deskbook and 2014 Supp

A. (§25.10) Effective Date

The Missouri General Assembly adopted UIFSA (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act), 9 U.L.A. pt. IB 281 (2005 and Supp. 2011), in 1996, effective January 1, 1997. UIFSA, §§ 454.850–454.999, now RSMo Supp. 2011, applies to all child support cases filed by or received in Missouri on or after the effective date. In all cases filed by or received in Missouri before January 1, 1997, URESA (Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Law), §§ 454.010–454.360, RSMo 2000 (repealed 2010)...

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