Section 22 Classification of Particular Items of Income
Library | Tax Law 2009 |
The regulations provide the following guidelines for the classification of particular items of income:
- Rents from real and tangible personal property are business income if the property is used directly or incidentally in the taxpayer’s business. 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(A). For example, the car rental income of a car rental business is business income, as is rental income from short-term leases of equipment generally used in the taxpayer’s business but temporarily not needed. 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(A)1 and 2. Other examples in the regulations imply a very mechanical approach
( If a clothing store chain owns a 5-story
office building and uses the street floor as a retail store and 2 additional floors as its corporate headquarters, the rental income
of the remaining 2 floors is incidental to
the taxpayer’s trade or business, and the rental income is business income. 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(A)3.
( But if the chain owns a 20-story office building and uses the street floor as a retail store
and the second floor as a corporate headquarters, the rental of the remaining 18 floors is considered as separate from the operation of the taxpayer’s business, and the rental income is nonbusiness income. 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(A)5.
- The gain or loss from the disposition of an asset is nonbusiness income or loss if the asset was used for the production of nonbusiness income, but is business income if the property was used in the taxpayer’s business. 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(B). Although the AHC applied 12 C.S.R. § 10-2.075(5)(B) literally in L.A.F. Delaware...
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- Section 1 Domestic Corporations
- Section 2 Jurisdiction to Tax Foreign Corporations
- Section 3 Eligibility for Allocation and Apportionment of Income
- Section 4 Introduction
- Section 5 Consolidated Returns
- Section 6 Use of a Nonstandard Apportionment Formula
- Section 7 Single-Factor Formula
- Section 8 Transactions Occurring Before January 1, 1980, and Transactions After December 31, 1979, Not Involving Sales of Tangible Personal Property
- Section 9 Summary: Circumstances Requiring or Permitting Apportionment
- Section 15 Entitlement to Apportionment of Income vs. Application of the Apportionment Formula
- Section 16 Double Taxation
- Section 17 Transactions Occurring After December 31, 1979, Involving Sales of Tangible Personal Property
- Section 18 Transactions Occurring in Taxable Years Beginning After December 31, 1988, Involving Sales of Tangible Personal Property
- Section 19 Allocation of Income
- Section 20 Eligibility for Allocation and Apportionment of Income
- Section 21 Business/Nonbusiness Income Distinction
- Section 22 Classification of Particular Items of Income
- Section 23 Introduction
- Section 24 Property Factor
- Section 25 Numerator of the Property Factor
- Section 26 Valuation
- Section 27 Payroll Factor
- Section 28 Sales Factor
- Section 29 Multiple Businesses of a Single Taxpayer
- Section 30 Consistency and Uniformity in Reporting
- Section 31 Other Methods of Allocation and Apportionment
- Section 32 Affiliated Groups of Corporations Doing an Interstate Business
- Section 33 Division of Deductions
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