Section 2.29 Sale

LibraryCreditors' Remedies (2009 Ed. + 2014 Supp)

B. (§2.29) Sale

The officer sets the time of the sale, and if there is sufficient time, § 513.190, RSMo 2000, provides for the officer to appoint the date of the sale at least 15 days before the return date of the execution. If the sale cannot be held before the return for any reason, the execution remains in force, and the sale can be held at any time up to 180 days from the date the execution was issued. The levy of execution remains a lien on the property during this period. Section 513.265, RSMo 2000, provides that the sale may be held at any hour between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the day advertised for sale unless the sale is advertised for a specific hour. See also Rule 76.18. In counties where there is an established custom to hold judicial sales at a particular hour, the...

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