Section 19.14 Signatures

LibraryBankruptcy Practice (2007 Ed. + 2015 Cum Supp)

C. (§19.14) Signatures

All pleadings filed in ECF must bear the electronic signature of a filer. “Filer” is defined as the attorney of record or the actual party in interest (if not represented by counsel) who transmits any pleading or document to the court by any method.

The user’s login and password serve as the filer’s signature on all electronic documents filed with the court, as well as for the purposes of

Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9011, for local rules, and for any other purpose for which a signature is required.

Filing a petition, amendment, pleading, affidavit, stipulation, or other document requiring signatures of more than one party, or any other document required to contain original...

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