Section 19.12 Sources of Direction

LibraryBankruptcy Practice (2007 Ed. + 2015 Cum Supp)

A. (§19.12) Sources of Direction

Paper filings have been governed, since the beginning, by rules issued at the national and local levels and by general orders of the court issued at the local level, with guidance provided from training manuals issued by individual courts. These rules, general orders, and manuals regulate not only the content of pleadings but also the manner and mechanism of their filing. With the implementation of electronic case filing (ECF), these rules, orders, and manuals have been adapted to the electronic age. Counsel should pay careful attention to all of these materials, harmonize their content, and adjust their practices to comply with court ECF requirements.

The Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure are the primary source of direction for any practitioner concerning ECF. Many of the concepts captured in the Rules apply equally to conventional paper-based filings and to pleadings filed in an electronic environment, e.g., Federal Rule...

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