Section 15.37 Annexation Ordinance (Procedure Under § 71.014, RSMo)

LibraryLocal Government Deskbook (2017 Ed.)

6. (§15.37) Annexation Ordinance (Procedure Under § 71.014, RSMo)

Ordinance No. __________
An Ordinance Establishing New Municipal Corporate Limits
of the City of Expand, Missouri, and Designating the Ward Location Thereof

Whereas, by Ordinance No. __________ duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Expand, Missouri, on the ____ day of __________, 20__, the City Council did ordain to annex an unincorporated tract of land lying south of the present municipal corporate limits of the city; and

Whereas, Ordinance No. __________, entitled

An Ordinance Providing for the Extension of the Municipal Corporate Limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, by Embracing

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