Section 15.36 Election Ordinance (Procedure Under § 71.014, RSMo)

LibraryLocal Government Deskbook (2017 Ed.)

5. (§15.36) Election Ordinance (Procedure Under § 71.014, RSMo)

Ordinance No. __________
An Ordinance Providing for the Extension of the City Limits of the
City of Expand, Missouri, by Embracing and Including a Part of the
County of __________, State of Missouri, Lying South of the
Present Municipal Corporate Limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, and Hereinafter More Specifically Described

Whereas, the owners of the fee simple title to the following-described tract of land have petitioned the City of Expand, Missouri, to annex the land into the City of Expand; and

Whereas, fee simple owners of the following-described tract are as follows:


Whereas, the described land of the owners constitutes a contiguous tract; and

Whereas, the described land is contiguous and adjacent to the existing corporate limits of the City of Expand, Missouri; and

Whereas, the City Council of the City of Expand, Missouri, deems it in the best interest of the City and its citizens to consider the proposed annexation.

Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Expand, Missouri, as follows:

Section 1. That the corporate city limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, in the County of __________, Missouri, shall be extended so as to embrace and include all that part of the County of __________ lying within the boundary...

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