Section 15.29 Plan of Intent

LibraryLocal Government Deskbook (2017 Ed.)

4. (§15.29) Plan of Intent

Plan of Intent to Provide Municipal Services for an Area Under
Consideration for Annexation by the City of Expand Located
Between Main Street on the North, Highway 53 on the South,
Township Line Road on the East, and the Black River on the West

The City Council of the City of Expand, Missouri, has expressed intent to annex the area as generally defined above. Missouri law requires that before annexation, a report must be prepared and presented at a public hearing setting forth the plans of the municipality for providing major municipal services to the area proposed for annexation. A timetable for the provision of these services and an indication as to possible methods of financing is also provided.

A series of maps, plats, and drawings accompanies and is an integral part of this report. Documents 1 through 5 indicate the proposed city boundary extension, the existing land use, the proposed zoning for the area, the existing and proposed extensions for utility service, and the existing street conditions of the subject area.

Three of the drawings have a specific statement attached to them explaining the extension of municipal services. These statements are repeated in part in this Plan of Intent along with comments regarding other municipal-type services available to the study area. The services presently provided by the City of Expand, Missouri, and a time schedule whereby the City of Expand plans to provide services to the residents of the proposed area to be annexed are...

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