Section 15.27 Annexation Ordinance

LibraryLocal Government Deskbook (2017 Ed.)

2. (§15.27) Annexation Ordinance

Ordinance No. __________
An Ordinance Providing for the Extension of the Corporate Limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, by Embracing and Including Unincorporated Real Property Located in the County of __________, State of Missouri, Lying South of the Present Corporate Limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, and Hereinafter More Specifically Described

Whereas, on the ____ day of __________, 20__, the City Council of the City of Expand, Missouri, declared by Resolution its intent to annex a certain unincorporated area into the City of Expand as described in Section 1; and

Whereas, the proposed extension of the corporate limits of the City of Expand, Missouri, is in the best interest of the...

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