Section 15.24 Other Annexation Failures

LibraryLocal Government Deskbook (2017 Ed.)

N. (§15.24) Other Annexation Failures

Counsel opposing a proposed annexation may find the cases discussed below to be of assistance in quickly identifying those criteria that the municipality most often overlooks or fails to prove.

In City of Flat River v. Counts, 596 S.W.2d 446 (Mo. App. E.D. 1979), the City’s projected growth and development was little more than visionary hope and speculation. There was no firm evidentiary base and no substantial testimony. In fact, the City had suffered a decline in population and had additional undeveloped areas within its boundaries. The proposed area for annexation would have led to more regular boundary lines, but there was no evidence that the loss of population was attributable to a significant movement to the area to be annexed. Orderly planning and the development of...

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