Section 11 Community Improvement District Act

LibraryUrban Development Subdivisions, and Annexations (2011 Ed.)

The CID (community improvement district), yet another class of special-purpose, self-taxing district, was created by the General Assembly in 1997 and recreated in 1998. Compare L. 1997, S.B. 21 with L. 1998, H.B. 1636. Senate Bill 21 is available at:

House Bill 1636 is available at:

Sections 67.1401–67.1571, RSMo 2000 and Supp. 2010, are known as the CID Act (Community Improvement District Act).

Once established, CIDs enjoy broad authority to:

levy and collect special assessments and taxes; fix and collect fees for use of CID properties; construct and maintain a variety of public improvements; support business activity and economic development within district boundaries; and issue tax-exempt revenue and general obligations.

Section 67.1461, RSMo Supp. 2010, and § 67.1491, RSMo 2000.

All counties, cities, villages, and unincorporated areas within St. Louis County are authorized to establish one or more CIDs. Section 67.1401.2(9), RSMo Supp. 2010, and § 67.1411.1, RSMo 2000. A CID may be established upon receipt of a petition signed by owners of real property representing more than 50% of the assessed valuation within the proposed CID boundary, which must be contiguous, and over 50% per capita of all property owners within the CID. Section 67.1421, RSMo 2000. Note that "per capita" is defined so that a condominium development is considered one landowner for purposes of determining percentages and, accordingly, has one vote. Section 67.1401.2(12).

The petition must contain a five-year plan and cost estimates for services and improvements to be provided. Section 67.1421.2(3)(d). The petition must state...

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