Section 10.39 DNA Profiling Systems

LibraryCriminal Practice 2012 Supp

4. (§10.39) DNA Profiling Systems

The provisions for the Missouri DNA Profiling System are set out in §§ 650.050–650.057, RSMo 2000 and Supp. 2004. This collection of statutes details the procedures for the collection, testing, and storage of DNA profiles from certain convicted felons. The 1996 amendment to § 650.055.1, RSMo, provided that “[e]very individual convicted in a Missouri circuit court, of a felony, defined as a violent offense under chapter 565, RSMo, or as a sex offense under chapter 566, RSMo, excluding sections 566.010 and 566.020, RSMo, shall have a blood or scientifically accepted biological sample collected for purposes of DNA profiling analysis.” This included individuals who were incarcerated or on probation or on parole in accordance with § 217.650, now RSMo 2000. In 2004, the Missouri legislature changed § 650.055.1 and thereby changed which convicted felons would be placed into Missouri’s DNA Profiling System. Effective August 28, 2004, § 650.055 requires a DNA sample from every individual guilty of a felony or any sexual offense...

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