Scotus v. Freedom.

PositionList - Case rulings that undermine American freedom - Brief article

The Supreme Court continues to chip away at American freedoms, says Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano. In April, the retired New jersey Superior Court judge detailed three blows to freedom under the John Roberts Court:

1 Clapper v. Amnesty International: By a 5-4 margin, the Court overturned a lower court decision that plaintiffs who subjectively feared being surveyed had standing to sue. Unless a person can prove his or her phone calls were being listened to, or could physically get to court--unlikely for someone arrested but not charged--the case won't be heard. The decision lets government use standing to shield nefarious and unconstitutional behavior from judicial review.

2 NFIB v. Sebelius: Supreme Court jurisprudence traditionally bars the court from characterizing something...

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