Satirical news has serious political effects.

PositionEntertainment - Brief article

Satirical news programs, often dismissed as mere entertainment, have real political effects on the people who watch them, maintains research in the Journal of Communication. People choose satirical news that matches their preexisting attitudes--liberal or conservative-- and watching satirical news reinforces those attitudes as much as watching serious news.

The study found that individuals with little interest in politics are more likely to select satirical over serious news. In addition, watching satirical news affects feelings of political efficacy-- people's belief that they can influence political processes. "Satirical news matters," says study author Sil via Westerwick, who penned Choice and Preference in Media Use: Advances in Selective Exposure Theory and Research. "It is not just entertaining; it has a real-life impact on viewers. These results suggest that satirical news can engage people who otherwise would avoid political news. This suggests that satirical news could be a gateway into more serious news use for those who aren't currently engaged in politics."

The results suggest...

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