Salt Lake City.

PositionSALT LAKE AREA - Conference news - Brief article

Salt Lake City -- MEDICONNECT GLOBAL, INC. was invited to participate in President Obama's invitation-only White House Regional Forums on Health Reform; only five companies were invited to particpate. MediConnect Global Inc. hosts an online repository of more than 5 million digitized patient medical records to date, and is leading the charge toward consumer-controlled personal health records.


The forums bring together Americans across the region, key health care stakeholders and elected officials across both sides of the political aisle to discuss what must be done to change America's health care system. MediConnect attended the northeast forum co-hosted by Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Director of the White House Office of Health Reform Nancy-Ann DeParle.

"MediConnect was honored by the invitation to participate in this national forum of top...

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