PositionSafeway Inc. no longer carries Alaska Business Monthly - Brief Article

We always knew that our Top 49er issue was a sellout. So much so that we normally order extra copies of the October issue. But this year the phones began ringing earlier than usual, and the concern was over the fact that we sold out even before we sold out! So to speak. In fact, if you usually picked up extra copies of Alaska Business Monthly at Carrs or Safeway all across the state, you can not do that anymore!


"S. C. O. P.," that's why.

That's shorthand for "Safeway Commodity Optimization Program" and it means that if it's not an approved, national brand, or a Safeway house label--git off the shelves and out of the store! That's what it means, and no amount of persuasion to Safeway's top guns in California or Bellevue, Wash., can change the policy handed up from below.

It matters not what the value of the off-brand commodity, such as Alaska Business Monthly, might be. It's gone--outta here, kaput! And so it is with several other Alaska-published magazines. They're gone also. Just too bad for the consumer. Let them go elsewhere!

Elsewhere? That may be a good idea. Businessmen and businesswomen always have the...

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