Safety Is Key Ingredient for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Thanksgiving is a time where many hours are spent in the kitchen making dinner for family and friends. If the individual preparing the meal is not careful, injuries can result.

"It is very important to remember several things to prevent aches and pains while preparing the meal," cautions Rachael Compere, an occupational therapist at Saint Louis (Mo.) University. "If people are aware of good body mechanics while in the kitchen, no injuries should happen." She offers the following guidelines for preparing Thanksgiving dinner safely:

* When opening jars, do not grip the container too tightly. Use something to help get a better grip if it does not open easily.

* When carrying the turkey, hold it close to your body and use a two-handled pot if possible.

* Keep fingers clear of the blades when using a manual can opener. Avoid turning the can opener too fast and putting constant pressure on the wrist and fingers.

* When stirring something, do not stir too rapidly or grip the...

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