Rest your bum on this soft bubble.

PositionWHAT'S NEW? - Brief article

If you are tired of lugging around heavy booster seats to play dates, school, grandma's house, or anywhere else your busy kids go, BubbleBum is your hassle-free solution. It's portable, inflatable, foldable, and affordable--and comes with seat belt positioning clips in place of arm rests and fits in small spaces, making it possible to have three kids in car seats across the back seat.

Weighing less than one pound, it deflates easily after use, allowing for storage in a backpack, flight bag, trunk, or even a large purse. Because it's inflatable and soft-sided, BubbleBum ($39.99) is much more comfortable than a regular booster seat.

No wonder it was the winner of the "For the Journey" award from...

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