Resolution: Creation of Position of Director of Purchasing

RESOLUTION # ________

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the (Fire District), pursuant to Town Law Section 174 2-a, hereby creates the position of Director of Purchasing of the (Fire District). The Director of Purchasing will undertake the duties of the office of Director of Purchasing upon filing the required oath of Office with the Secretary of the (Fire District) and the Clerk of the (Town(s)), and the filing of an undertaking (if required by the Board) with such Town clerk(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the term of office of the Director of Purchasing will be for a period of (number of years) (may not exceed five years) commencing, 20XX and ending on (month day), 20XX.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the duties of the Director of Purchasing are/are not combined with the duties of the Treasurer of...

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