Recover, refocus, reunite--reform?

AuthorScalzi, Jeff

He Said

As Andrew Zolli of Z+ Partners asked of us in Denver, I am in the midst of defining what the "new normal" is, both personally and professionally. Within the firm, current events seem increasingly to drive our collective focus each day. Reform has become the new catch phrase, attached with everything from healthcare to financial services. But how is this change visiting the law firm, and by extension, legal marketing and business development? How can we lead our firms in this area?


I write this edition of He Said, She Said in the middle of a reformation, which is exhilarating on some days and wearisome on others. This is my first column from my new post (or, at least, authored post-move), with new challenges and changing marketplace dynamics. Many of us have worked at numerous firms in the course of our legal marketing careers. It's no surprise that my third office is a composite of my previous positions, replete with geographic and cultural nuances, as well as, firm-wide initiatives that are both familiar and yet markedly different.


Should there be a renewed focus on law firm diversity, which while always important, may seem very circa 2002? Perhaps. But what can be different and better this time? Most firms have adopted eco-friendly strategies, whether simply using recycled stationery or taking the initiative to build out LEED-certified offices, but what's next in this area?

My seven-year-old son downloads apps on my iPhone (and, with more faculty than I). Were he to become a first-year associate in 15 years, what might he be doing then out in cyberspace? Does this mean a lawyer 'tweeting' today is something with which we should feel more comfortable? [Note: I am asking rhetorically, my opinions aside]. How can law firms turn the tables on industry trends and take the lead? Or, is the nature of law and legal practice inherently reactive to market forces? (Look, just because I am now working in NYC, I don't mean to go all Carrie Bradshaw on you and end my comments with provocative questions. But more episodes will follow, certainly.)

Zolli's insight into demographic trends and their effects on the marketplace suggests that we cannot afford to let several generations of legal marketers try with limited success to embrace new realities and affect change.

Over time, we will seek and find the answers. As we continue to reform, I look forward to the dialogue.

Jeff Scalzi, 212/768-6914...

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