Reclaiming Our Humanity: Make Your Legal Writing More Readable. Most attorneys write like they think an attorney is supposed to sound.

AuthorJake Brainard
Appellate Practice
American Bar Association Litigation Section
Fall 2021, Vol. 41 No. 1
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August 28, 2018
Reclaiming Our Humanity: Make Your Legal
Writing More Readable
Most attorneys write like they think an attorney is supposed
to sound.
By Jake Brainard
We have all seen it. Opposing counsel serves a brief. You struggle to trudge through the
legalese and long citations. You find unnecessary Latin phrases, words like heretofore, and
string citations with several explanatory phrases scattered throughout them. On top of all
of it, the brief is 70 pages when 30 would have sufficed. You spend time cutting through the
awkward and antiquated prose to make notes for a response. Then you draft your
response—only to fall into the same trap.
Ask just about any judge, and she will tell you that making your briefs readable is vital to
making the biggest impact. So why do we, as attorneys, get stuck running on the same legal
writing wheel? Because most attorneys write like they think an attorney is supposed to
sound. It is easy to forget that, after all of the point-counterpoint and the seemingly well-
placed a fortiori, the point of writing the brief is so that it is read and is persuasive.
Somewhere in law school and the first years of practice, we lose that piece of our human
understanding that helps us speak as regular people do. I say it is time lawyers reclaimed
that understanding.
“How do we go back to writing like human beings?” you might ask. Simple changes make
significant differences.
Use clear language instead of the dreaded legalese. A brief is a story and then an argument
to support your “happily ever after” ending.
Consider the following statement in a fact section:
Counsel for Plaintiff sent a letter to Defendant dated May 4, 2016, as the
requisite prelitigation notice concerning the ongoing dispute vis-à-vis certain

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