Recent Journal Literature

Date01 August 2022
“Recent Journal Literature” lists recently published law
review and other legal periodical articles. Within subject-
matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author
or title. Articles are listed rst, followed by comments, notes,
symposia, surveys, and bibliographies.
Lee, Austin et al., e Way Forward: A Legal and Commercial
Primer on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestra-
tion, 16 T. J. O G  E 43 (2021).
Babcock, Hope M., e Current Role of the Environment in
Reinforcing Acts of Domestic Terrorism: How Fear of a
Climate Change Apocalypse May Strengthen Right-Wing
Hate Groups, 38 V. E’ L.J. 207 (2020).
Blue, Rachel, Turning the Tide: Atoll Nations During the Era
of Climate Change Emergency, 48 D. J. I’ L. 
P’ 65 (2020).
Bradford, Susann M., Vertical Consistency in the Climate
Change Context, 12 G G U. E’ L.J. 107
Kielar, Evan, A Framework for the Future of Climate Refugees,
34 G. I. L.J. 819 (2020).
Voeller, Amanda, “Eco” Your Own Way: An Argument for
State-Specic Climate Change Legislation, 32 F
E’ L. R. 259 (2021).
Benjamin, Lisa, Renewable Energy and Trade: Meeting the
Paris Agreement’s Goals rough a Two-Step Jurispruden-
tial Advance, 22 M. J.L. S.  T. 1 (2020).
Diamond, Kimberly E., COVID-19 Impacts: How a Global
Pandemic Amid the Sunsets of the PTC and ITC Made the
U.S. Wind and Solar Industries More Resilient, 32 F-
 E’ L. R. 149 (2021).
Hassenboehler, Tom, e Organized Wholesale Market Im-
provement Paradox, 52 ELR 10649 (Aug. 2022).
Husk, Sarah A., Scattered to the Winds?: Strengthening the
National Historic Preservation Act’s Tribal Consultation
Mandate to Protect Native American Sacred Sites in the
Renewable Energy Development Era, 34 T. E’ L.J.
273 (2021).
Lemire, Alyssa Lauren, Raising the Meter in Rhode Island: A
Better Approach to Rhode Island’s Net Metering Laws, 25
R W U. L. R. 470 (2020).
Mahoney, William E., Making Sense of the Texas Oileld
Anti-Indemnity Act (TOAIA): It’s About Recovery, 16 T.
J. O G  E L. 95 (2021).
Roberts, Casey, Comment on Shelley Welton, Rethinking Grid
Governance for the Climate Change Era, 52 ELR 10652
(Aug. 2022).
Tepper, Rebecca & Kelly Caiazzo, Comment on Rethinking
Grid Governance for the Climate Change Era, 52 ELR
10655 (Aug. 2022).
Welton, Shelley, Rethinking Grid Governance for the Climate
Change Era, 52 ELR 10644 (Aug. 2022).
Wetsel, Roderick E. & Laura M. Bowen, e Sun Ariseth:
A Guide to Drafting Solar Leases, 16 T. J. O G 
E L. 77 (2021).
Survey, Recent Developments in Texas and United States Energy
Law, 16 T. J. O G  E L. 117 (2021).
Adelman, David & Jori Reilly-Diakun, Environmental Citi-
zen Suits and the Inequities of Races to the Top, 52 ELR
10606 (Aug. 2022).
Altabef, William B., e Legal Man in the Moon: Exploring
Environmental Personhood for Celestial Bodies, 21 C. J.
I’ L. 476 (2021).
Breggin, Linda K. et al., Analysis of Environmental Law Schol-
arship 2020-2021, 52 ELR 10599 (Aug. 2022).
Breland, William, e Equal Protection Cure: Attacking
Alabama’s Rural Sanitation Crisis (and Its Resultant
Tropical Diseases Outbreak) as an Inequitable Distribu-
tion of Municipal Provisions, 34 T. E’ L.J. 247
Cantor, David James, Environment, Mobility, and Interna-
tional Law: A New Approach in the Americas, 21 C. J.
I’ L. 263 (2021).
Hill, Alexandra et al., Recent Developments in Environmental
Law, 34 T. E’ L.J. 399 (2021).
Ho, Virginia Harper, Disclosure Overload? Lessons for
Risk Disclosure and ESG Reporting Reform From the
Regulation S-K Concept Release, 65 V. L. R. 67
Judkins, Amy, Taking It to the Bank: Creating a New Con-
stitutional Standard and Using Blue Carbon Banking to
Compensate the Miccosukee Tribe for the Federal “Taking”
of eir Tribal Lands, 12 F. A  M U. L. R. 293
Learner, Howard, Citizen Environmental Enforcement Law-
suits Are Alive—What It Takes to Go Forward, 52 ELR
10616 (Aug. 2022).
Peloso, Margaret E. & Chloe E. Schmergel, Board Oversight
in ESG—Evolving Treands in the Era of Increasing Disclo-
sure Requirements, 52 ELR 10637 (Aug. 2022).
Phillips, Todd, Director Engagement: Necessary for ESG Suc-
cess, 52 ELR 10641 (Aug. 2022).
Powell, Catherine, Blue States, Red States: e United States?,
35 M. J. I’ L. 134 (2020).
Reddy, Bina R., No Accounting for Accountability? A Com-
ment on Environmental Citizen Suits and the Inequities
of Races to the Top, 52 ELR 10619 (Aug. 2022).
Rose, Amanda M., A Response to Calls for SEC-Mandated
ESG Disclosure, 98 W. U. L. R. 1821 (2021).
Copyright © 2022 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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