Recent journal literature

Date01 October 2016
10-2016 NEWS & ANALYSIS 46 ELR 10905
      
review and other legal periodical articles. Within subject-
matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author
 
symposia, surveys, and bibliographies.
Freeman, Jeremy,  -
, 15 H. B.  T
L.J. 268 (2015).
Oren, Craig N., -
 46 ELR 10838 (Oct. 2016).
Johns, Susan,  -
, 26
U. F. J.L.  P. P’ 243 (2015).
Kellman, Barry, 
A Jurisprudential Enigma, 46 EL R 10845 (Oct. 2016).
Miller, Steven R.,   , 46
ELR 10883 (Oct. 2016).
Bradford, John T.,   
Oil and Gas Farmout Transactions, 15 H. B.  T
L.J. 147 (2015).
Klass, Alex andra B. & Jim Rossi, Revitalizing Dormant Com-
     , 100
M. L. R . 129 (2015).
Linn, Joshua et al.,       
Future, 46 ELR 10859 (Oct. 2016).
McLean, Megan,   
     , 46 ELR
10873 (Oct. 2016).
Nelson, A ndrew,    
  , 18 SMU S. 
T. L. R. 153 (2015).
Walton, Morgan, 
Rapid Solar Development Has Singed a Few Feathers, 40
V. L. R. 131 (2015).
Armeni, Chiara, -
tional Law and Climate Change Technologies, 64 I’ 
C. L.Q. 875 (2015).
Czarnezki, Jason J.,      
   , 66 H  L.J.
1621 (2015).
Evans, Mary F. et a l.,     
    
Auditing, 43 I’ R. L.  E. 10 (2015).
Gromilova, Mariya, 
I.C.J. Advisory Opinion on the International Legal Obliga-
ulations Aected by Climate Change, 10 I 
H. R. L. R. 233 (2015).
Howse, Robert et a l.,  
        , 48 G.
W. I’ L. R. 81 (2015).
Mooney, Leilia,  
 , 46 G. J.
I’ L. 1135 (2015).
Richards, James, 
        
States, 18 SMU S.  T. L. R. 73 (2015).
Sabin, Paul, 
Order, 33 L  H. R. 965 (2015).
Symposium, e Global Commons, 2014 BYU L. R. 1251
Waterhouse, Carlton M. & Ravay Smith,  
Indiana, 49 I. L. R. 99 (2015).
Braverman, Irus,      
  , 30
J. L U  E . L. 143 (2015).
Ewing, Andrew,      
the American Agricultural System and the Government’s
, 20 D  J. A. L. 93 (2015).
Glasgow, Josh, Genetically Modied Organisms, Religiously
       
GM Food Labeling Debate, 20 D J. A. L. 115
Grosso, Richard,      
Respond to Global Warming and Sea Level Rise in Florida,
30 J. L U  E . L. 201 (2015).
Kelly-Garrick, Caitlin,      
      ,
43 H  C. L.Q. 93 (2015).
Margello, Nick,   
 , 45 U. M.
L. R. 475 (2014).
Messerly, Garrett W.,      
Court’s Decision in Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Man-
  -
, 2015 BYU L. R. 549 (2015).
Murphree, Patrick D.,      -
        
Baton Rouge v. Myers, 61 L. L. R. 407 (2015).
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