Recent journal literature

Date01 June 2018
“Recent Journal Literature” lists recently published law
review and other legal periodical articles. Within subject-
matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author
or title. Articles are listed rst, followed by comments, notes,
symposia, surveys, and bibliographies.
Coglianese, Ca ry & Jennifer Nash, e Law of the Test: Per-
formance-Based Regulation and Diesel Emissions Control,
34 Y J.  R. 33 (2017).
Novotny, Michael J., A Statutory Tangle: How the Clean Power
Plan Violates the Clean Air Act Section 301(d) and the
Tribal Authority Rule, 46 T. E . L.J. 67 (2016).
Canning, Doyle Elizabeth, Zeroing Out Climate Change: A
“Hard Look” at Trump’s Social Cost of Carbon, 48 ELR
10479 (June 2018).
Nguyen, Ylan, Constitutional Protection for Future Genera-
tions From Climate Change, 44 H C. L.Q.
347 (2017).
Cawood, Kayla J., e Potential for Production: Regulating
Oklahoma’s Wind Estate and Encouraging Sustainable
Wind Energy Development, 41 O. C U. L. R .
201 ( 2016).
Hawk, Racheal M. W hite, Community-Scale Sol ar: Watt’s in
It for Indian Country?, 40 E : E. L.  P’
J. 1 (2016).
Holland, L iam, Footing the Bill for Natural Gas Leaks: Why
States Should Limit Cost Recove ry of Lost and Unaccounted
for Gas, 58 B.C. L. R . 317 (2017 ).
Jacobs, Kevin T. & Cynthia A. Casti llo, Liquidated Damages
Clauses: Preparing for a Breach in Today’s Oil and Gas
Market, 12 T. J. O G  E L . 19 (2017).
Kulander, Christopher, Fixed Vs. Floating Non-Participating
Oil & Gas Royalty in Texas: And the Battles Rage On, 4
T. AM L. R . 41 (2016).
Smith, Ernest E., Applying Familiar Concepts to New Tech-
nology: Under the Traditional Oil and Gas Lease, a Lessee
Does Not Need Pooling Authority to Dr ill a Horizontal Well
at Crosses Lease Lines, 12 T. J. O G   E
L. 1 (2017).
Smith, Ernest E. et al., Ever ything Under the Sun: A Guide to
Siting Solar in the Lone Star State, 12 T. J. O G 
E L. 4 1 (2017 ).
van de Biezenbos, Kri sten, Where Oil Is King, 85 F
L. R. 1631 (2017).
Sympos ium, Recent Developments in Texas and United States
Energy Law, 12 T. J. O G  E L . 121 (2017).
Begley, Courtney, “So Close, Yet so Far”: e United States Fol-
lows the Lead of the European Union in Mandating GMO
Labeling, but Did It Go Far Enough?, 40 F I’
L.J. 625 (2017).
Edwards, Todd & Matt Russell, Earth Frie ndly Agriculture for
Soil, Water, and Climate: A Multijurisdictional Coopera-
tive Approach, 21 D J. A. L. 325 (2016).
Finn, Donovan, & John Travis Marshall, Superstorm Sandy at
Five: Lessons on Law as Catalyst and O bstacle to Long-Ter m
Recovery Following Catastrophic Disasters, 48 EL R 10494
(J une 2 018).
Glenn, Claire, Upholding Civil Rights in Environmental Law:
e Case for Ex Ante Title VI Re gulation and Enforcement,
41 N.Y.U. R. L.  S. C  45 (2 017).
Huber, Bruce R., Checks, Balances, and Nuclear Waste, 48
A . S. L.J. 1169 (2016).
Mann, Ronald, Balancing Bankruptcy and Environmental
Law: Midlantic National Bank v. New Jersey Depart-
ment of Environmental Protection, 42 J. S. C. H.
101 (2 017).
Yu, Cui, e Recent Development of China’s System of Procu-
ratorate Public Interest Litigation, 48 ELR 10467 (June
Aguirre, Emilie, Contagion Without Relief: Democratic Exper-
imentalism and Regulating the Use of Antibiotics in Food-
Producing Animals, 64 UCL A L. R. 550 (2017).
Blair, Jaclyn, Sugar, Politics, and the Destruction of Florida’s
Natural Resources: e Problem With Constitutiional
Amendments, 18 F. C L . R. 89 (2016(.
Boomershine, J. Michael Jr., e Battle Over America’s
Farmlands: Corporate Farming Practices and Legislative
Attempts at Preserving the Family Farm, 21 D  J.
A. L . 361 (2016).
Davis, John Emmeus, Common Ground: Community-Owned
Land as a Platform for E quitable and Sustainable Develop-
ment, 51 U.S.F. L. R. 1 (2017).
EldenBrady, Joshua, Family Farms Versus Factory Farms: Pre-
emption of Local Ordinances Under Michigan’s Right to
Farm Act, Why the Current Preemption Standard Doesn’t
Work and What Needs to Change, 33 W. M. U. T.M.
C L. R . 333 (2016).
Holloway, James E. & Donald C. Guy, e Aftermath of
Koontz and Conditional Dema nds: A Per Se Text, Personal
Property, and a Conditional Demand, 23 W L.
R. 37 (2017).
Johnson, Ron, Putting the Heart Back in the Heartland:
Regional Land Bank Initiatives for S ustainable Rural Econ-
omies, 69 A. L. R. 1055 (2017).
Copyright © 2018 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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