Recent Developments

Date01 November 2014
In the Congress
“In the Congress” entries cover activities reported in the Congressional Record from September 1, 2014, through September
30, 2014. Entries are arra nged by bill number, with Senate bills listed rst. “In the Congress” covers all environment-
related bills that are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the president. “In the
Congress” also covers all environmental treaties ratied by the Senate. is materia l is updated monthly. For archived
materials, visit
Chamber Action
S. 231 (wildlife), which would re-
authorize the Multinational Species
Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp
through 2016, the prots of which sup-
port programs to help to protect Afri-
can and Asian elephants, rhinoceroses,
tigers, great apes, and ma rine turtles,
was passed by the House. 160 Cong.
Rec. H7249 (daily ed. Sept. 8, 2014).
S. 276 (water), which would reinstate
and extend the deadli ne for commence-
ment of construction of a hydroelectric
project involving the American Falls
Reservoir, was passed by t he House.
160 Cong. Rec. H7439 (daily ed. Sept.
11, 2014).
S. 476 (land use), which would amend
the Chesapeake and Ohio Ca nal De-
velopment Act to extend to the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Cana l National His-
torical Park Commission, was passed
by the House. 160 Cong. Rec. H7636
(daily ed. Sept. 17, 2014).
S. 898 (land use), which would autho-
rize the Admini strator of General Ser-
vices to convey a parcel of real property
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to the
Amy Biehl High School Foundation,
was passed by the Senate. 160 Cong.
Rec. S5460 (daily ed. Sept. 9, 2014).
S. 1603 (land use), which would reaf-
rm that certa in land has been taken
into trust for the benet of the Match-
E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pot-
tawatami Indian s, was passed by the
Senate. 160 Cong. Rec. H7577 (daily
ed. Sept. 16, 2014).
S. 2040 (land u se), which would ex-
change trust a nd fee land to resolve
land disputes created by the realign-
ment of the Blackfoot River along
the boundary of the Fort Hal l Indian
Reservation, with an amendment, was
passed by the Senate. 160 Cong. Rec.
S5784 (daily ed. Sept. 18, 2014).
S. 2440 (la nd use), which would
expand and extend the program to
improve permit coordination by BLM,
was passed by the Senate. 160 Cong.
Rec. S5649 (daily ed. Sept. 16, 2014).
S. Res. 556 (wildlife), which would
designate the week beginnin g on Octo-
ber 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Ref-
uge Week, was passed by the Senate.
160 Cong. Rec. S5720 (daily ed. Sept.
17, 2014).
S. Res. 573 (land use), which would
commemorate the 50th anniversar y of
the Wilderness Act, was passed by the
Senate. 160 Cong. Rec. D985 (daily ed.
Sept. 18, 2014).
H.R. 83 (energy), which would require
the Secretary of the Interior to as-
semble a team of technical, policy, and
nancial experts to address the energy
needs of the insular are as of the United
States and the Freely Associated States
through the development of energy ac-
tion plans aimed at promoting access
to aordable, reliable energy, including
increasing use of indigenous clean-ener-
gy resources, was pa ssed by the House.
160 Cong. Rec. H7462 (daily ed. Sept.
15, 2014).
H.R. 2431 (land use), which would
amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers
Act to authorize the Secretar y of the
Interior to maintain or replace certai n
facilities and struct ures for commercial
recreation services at Smith Gulch in
Idaho, was passed by the House. 160
Cong. Rec. H7270 (daily ed. Sept. 8,
H.R. 2569 (land use), which would
amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
to designate segments of the Missisquoi
River and the Trout River in the state
of Vermont as components of the Na-
tional Wild and Scenic Rivers System,
was passed by the House. 160 Cong.
Rec. H7492 (daily ed. Sept. 15, 2014).
H.R. 3006 (la nd use), which would
authorize a land exchange involving t he
acquisition of private land adjacent to
the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge in
Arizona for inclusion in the refuge in
exchange for certain BLM lands in Riv-
erside County, California, was pas sed
by the House. 160 Cong. Rec. H7483
(daily ed. Sept. 15, 2014).
H.R. 3044 ( land use), which would
approve the transfer of Yellow Creek
Port properties in Iuka, Mississippi, was
passed by the House. 160 Cong. Rec.
H7464 (daily ed. Sept. 15, 2014).
H.R. 3109 (wildlife), which would
amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
to exempt certain Ala skan Native ar-
ticles from prohibitions against sale of
items containing nonedible migratory
bird parts, was passed by the House.
160 Cong. Rec. H7269 (daily ed. Sept.
8, 2014).
Copyright © 2014 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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