Recent Developments

Date01 November 2017
In the Congress
“In the Congress” entries cover activities reported in the Congressional Record from September 1, 2017, through September
30, 2017. Entries are arranged by bill number, with Senate bills listed rst. “In the Congress” covers all environment-
related bills that are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the president. “In the
Congress” also covers all environmental treaties ratied by the Senate. is material is updated monthly. For archived
materials, visit
Chamber Action
S. 396 (wildlife), which would make
technical amendments to certain ma-
rine sh conservation statutes, wa s
passed by the Senate. 163 Cong. Rec.
S6263 (daily ed. Oct. 2, 2017).
H.R. 2582 (natural re sources), which
would amend SMCRA to authorize
partnerships between states and non-
governmental entities for the purpose of
reclaiming and restorin g land and water
resources adversely aected by coa l
mining activities before Aug ust 3, 1977,
was passed by the House. 163 Cong.
Rec. H7645 (daily ed. Oct. 2, 2017).
Committee Action
H.R. 2199 (la nd use) was reported
by the C ommittee on Nat ural Re-
source s. H. Rep. 115-322, 163 Cong.
Rec. H7485 (da ily ed. Sept. 25, 2017).
e bill would d irect D OI to deve lop
and ma intain a cu rrent, accurate
multipur pose inventory of federa l real
propert y to assist w ith federal land
mana gement activitie s.
H.R. 2874 (natural resou rces) was re-
ported by the Committee on Financial
Services. H. Rep. 115-304, 163 Cong.
Rec. H7222 (daily ed. Sept. 11, 2017).
e bill would improve the nancial
stability of the National Flood Insur-
ance Program to enhance t he develop-
ment of more accurate estimates of
ood risk through new technology.
H.R. 3017 (waste) was reported by the
Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H. Rep. 115-303, 163 Cong. Rec.
H7222 (daily ed. Sept. 11, 2017). e
bill would reauthorize the brownelds
program under CERCLA.
Bills Introduced
S. 1794 (Rounds, R-S.D.) (gov-
ernance) would prohibit EPA from
proposing, nalizing, or disseminat-
ing regulations or asses sments based
upon science that is not transparent or
reproducible. 163 Cong. Rec. S5215
(daily ed. Sept. 12, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Environ-
ment and Public Works.
S. 1823 ( Blunt, R-Mo.) (nat ural
resou rces) wou ld amend the R ob-
ert T. Sta ord Disaster Relief a nd
Emergenc y Assista nce Act to cl arify
that hou ses of worship are el igible for
certa in disaster relief and emer gency
assis tance on terms equal to other
eligible private nonprot fac ilities .
163 Cong. Re c. S5800 (daily ed. Sept .
18, 2017). e bill was referred to the
Commit tee on Homeland Se curity
and Gove rnment Aairs.
S. 1833 (Uda ll, D-N.M.) (la nd use)
would modi fy requirements appli-
cable to loc atable minerals on public
domain land. 163 Cong. Re c. S5860
(daily ed. Sept. 19, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Energ y
and Natural Resources.
S. 1844 (Inhofe, R-Ok la.) (energy)
would provide for coordination by
FERC of the process for reviewing
certain natural gas projects under its
jurisdiction. 163 Cong. Rec. S5860
(daily ed. Sept. 19, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s.
S. 1851 (Franken, D-Minn.) (energy)
would require the Secretary of Energ y
to establish an energy storage research
program, demonstration, and deploy-
ment program. 163 Cong. Rec. S5886
(daily ed. Sept. 25, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s.
S. 1857 (Capito, R-W. Va.) (air) would
establish a compliance deadl ine of May
15, 2023, for Step Two emissions stan-
dards for new residential wood heaters,
hydronic heaters, and forced-air fur-
naces. 163 Cong. Rec. S6134 (daily ed.
Sept. 26, 2017). e bill was referred to
the Committee on Environment and
Public Works.
S. 1860 (Inhofe, R-Okla .) (energy)
would amend §203 for the Federal
Power Act. 163 Cong. Rec. S6134
(daily ed. Sept. 26, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s.
S. 1874 (Wyden, D-Or.) (energ y)
would direct t he Secretary of Energ y to
establish c ertain demonstration gra nt
programs relating to the demonst ra-
tion of advanced distribution systems,
smart water heaters, vehicle-to-g rid
integration, and g ranular retail elec-
tricity pricing. 163 Cong. Rec. S6187
(daily ed. Sept. 27, 2017). e bill was
referred to the C ommittee on Energ y
and Natura l Resources.
S. 1876 (Wyden, D-Or.) (energy)
would require the Secretary of Energ y
to establish an energy storage research
program, demonstration, and deploy-
ment program. 163 Cong. Rec. S6187
Copyright © 2017 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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