Recent Developments

Date01 October 2010
10-2010 NEWS & ANALYSIS 40 ELR 11011
In the Congress
“In the Congress” entries cover activities reported in the Congressional Record from August 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010.
Entries are arranged by bill number, with Senate bills listed rst. “In t he Congress” covers all environment-related bills that
are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the President. “In the Congress” also covers
all environmental treaties ratied by the Senate. is material is updated monthly. For archived materials, visit http://www.
Public Laws
S. 3372 (vessel discharge), which modi-
es the date on which the EPA Admin-
istrator and applicable states may require
permits for discharges f rom certain
vessels, was signed into law on July 30,
2010. Pub. Law No. 111-215, 156 Cong.
Rec. D883 (daily ed. Aug. 2, 2010).
Committee Action
S. 553 (federal land) was reported by
the Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 111-252, 156
Cong. Rec. S6397 (daily ed. Aug. 5,
2010). e bill would revise the autho-
rized route of the North Country Na-
tional Scenic Trail in northeastern Min-
nesota to include existing hik ing trails
along Lake Superior’s north shore and in
Superior National Forest and Chippewa
National Forest.
S. 1017 (federal la nd) was reported by
the Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 111-253, 156
Cong. Rec. S6397 (daily ed. Aug. 5,
2010). e bill would reauthorize the
Cane River National Heritage A rea
Commission and expand the bounda r-
ies of the Cane River National Heritage
Area in the state of Louisia na.
S. 1270 (fede ral land) wa s reported by
the Comm ittee on Energy a nd Natu-
ral Re sources. S . Rep. No. 111-256,
156 Cong. Rec. S6398 (daily ed. A ug.
5, 2010). e bill would mod ify the
boundar y of the Oregon Cave s Nation-
al Monument.
S. 1272 (federal land) was reported by
the Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 111-257, 156
Cong. Rec. S6398 (daily ed. Aug. 5,
2010). e bill would provide for the
designation of the Devil’s Stairca se
Wilderness Area in the state of Oregon,
and designate segments of Wasson and
Franklin Creeks in the state as wild or
recreation rivers.
S. 1311 (Gulf of Mexico) wa s reported
by the C ommittee on Environment and
Public Works . S. Rep. No. 111-241, 156
Cong. R ec. S6583 (daily ed. Aug. 2,
2010). e bill wou ld amend the CWA
to rees tablish the Prog ram Oce of the
Gulf of Mexico Program as an oce
of EPA.
S. 1719 (federal land) was reported by
the Committee on Environment and
Public Works. S. Rep. No. 111-241, 156
Cong. Rec. S6583 (daily ed. Aug. 2,
2010). e bill would provide for the
conveyance of certain pa rcels of land to
the town of Alta, Utah.
S. 1787 (fe deral la nd) was repor ted by
the Com mittee on Energy and Natura l
Resour ces. S. Rep. No. 111-270, 156
Cong. R ec. S6398 (da ily ed. Aug. 5,
2010). e bill wou ld reauthoriz e
the Fede ral L and Transaction Facilita-
tion Ac t.
S. 2726 (fe deral land) w as reporte d by
the Comm ittee on Energy a nd Natu-
ral Re sources. S . Rep. No. 111-260,
156 Cong. Rec. S6398 (daily ed. A ug.
5, 2010). e bill would mod ify the
boundar y of the Minuteman Missile
National H istoric Site in the st ate of
South Da kota.
S. 3305 (oil spills) was reported by the
Committee on Environment and Public
Works. S. Rep. No. 111-249, 156 Cong.
Rec. S6881 (daily ed. Aug. 5, 2010). e
bill would amend the Oil Pollution Act
of 1990 to require oil polluters to pay the
full cost of oil spills.
S. 3515 (oil spills) was reported by t he
Committee on Environment and Public
Works. S. Rep. No. 111-242, 156 Cong.
Rec. S6583-84 (daily ed. Aug. 2, 2010).
e bill would authorize and enhance
DOI programs relating to the detec-
tion of, response to, and mitigation and
cleanup of oil spills on federal land man-
aged by the Department.
H.R. 6 01 (feder al land) was reported
by the Com mittee on Energy a nd Natu-
ral Re sources. S . Rep. No. 111-271, 156
Cong. Rec . S6882 (daily ed. Au g. 5,
2010). e bill would provide for the
conveyanc e of parcels of la nd to Man-
tua, Uta h.
H.R. 1043 (federal la nd) was reported
by the Committee on Energy and Natu-
ral Resources. S. Rep. No. 111-273, 156
Cong. Rec. S6882 (daily ed. Aug. 5,
2010). e bill would provide for a land
exchange involving certain National For-
est System lands in the Mendocino Na-
tional Forest in the state of California.
H.R. 2008 (hydr oelectric power) was
reported by the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s. S. Rep. No. 111-
274, 156 Cong. Rec. S6882 (daily ed.
Aug. 5, 2010). e bill would authorize
the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate
the development of hydroelectric power
on the Diamond Fork System of the
Central Utah Project.
Copyright © 2010 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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