Recent Developments

Date01 July 2014
7-2014 NEWS & ANALYSIS 44 ELR 10637
In the Congress
“In the Congress” entries cover activities reported in the Congressional Record from May 1, 2014, through May 31, 2014.
Entries are arranged by bill number, with Senate bills listed rst. “In the Congress” covers all environment-related bills that
are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the president. “In the Congress” also covers
all environmental treaties ratied by the Senate. is material is updated monthly. For archived materials, visit http://elr.
Chamber Action
S. 2086 (energy), which would address
current emergency shortages of propane
and other home heating fuels and pro-
vide greater exibility and informat ion
for governors to address such emergen-
cies in the future, was pa ssed by the
Senate. 160 Cong. Rec. S3243 (daily
ed. May 21, 2014).
S. 2198 (water), which would direct the
Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of
Commerce, the Secretary of Agriculture,
and the Administrator of EPA to take
actions to provide additional water sup-
plies to California due to drought, was
passed by the Senate. 160 Cong. Rec.
S3308 (daily ed. May 22, 2014).
H.R. 316 (energy), which would rein-
state and transfer cert ain hydroelectric
licenses and extend the dead line for
commencement of construction of cer-
tain hydroelectric projects, was pa ssed
by the Senate. 160 Cong. Rec. S3307
(daily ed. May 22, 2014).
H.R. 724 (air), which would amend
the CAA to remove the requirement for
dealer certicat ion of new light-duty
motor vehicles, was passed by the Sen-
ate. 160 Cong. Rec. S3307 (daily ed.
May 22, 2014).
H.R. 862 (land us e), which would
authorize the conveyance of two sma ll
parcels of land within t he boundaries
of the Coconino National Forest con-
taining private improvements that were
developed based upon the reliance of
the landowners in an erroneous surve y
conducted in May 1960, was passed
by the Senate. 160 Cong. Rec. S3307
(daily ed. May 22, 2014).
H.R. 2548 (energy), which would
establish a comprehensive U.S. govern-
ment policy to assist countries in sub-
Saharan A frica to develop an appropri-
ate mix of power solutions for more
broadly distributed electricity a ccess,
was passed by the House. 160 Cong.
Rec. H3970 (daily ed. May 8, 2014).
Committee Action
S. 37 (land use) was reported by the
Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-165, 160
Cong. Rec. S3293 (daily ed. May 22,
2014). e bill would sustain the eco-
nomic development and recreational
use of National Forest System land
and other public land in Montana, add
certain land to the National Wilderness
Preservation System, release certain wil-
derness study areas, and designate new
areas for recreation.
S. 258 (land use) was reported by the
Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-166, 160
Cong. Rec. S3293 (daily ed. May 22,
2014). e bill would amend FLPMA
to improve the management of grazing
leases and permits.
S. 715 (water) was reported by the
Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-167, 160
Cong. Rec. S3293 (daily ed. May 22,
2014). e bill would authorize the Sec-
retary of the Interior to use designated
funding to pay for the construct ion of
authorized rural water projects.
S. 839 (water) was reported by the
Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation. S. Rep. No. 113-156,
160 Cong. Rec. S2647 (daily ed. May
12, 2014). e bill would reauthorize the
Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000.
S. 1169 (land use) was reported by the
Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-160, 160
Cong. Rec. S1169 (daily ed. May 14,
2014). e bill would withdraw and
reserve certain public land in Montana
for the Limestone Hills Training Area.
S. 1252 (water) wa s reported by the
Committe e on Energy and Natur al
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-170, 160
Cong. Rec . S3293 (daily ed. May 22 ,
2014). e bill would a mend the Wild
and Scen ic Rivers Act to d esignate
segments of the Missi squoi River and
the Trout River in Vermont as compo -
nents of the National Wi ld and Scen ic
Rivers Sy stem.
S. 1309 (land use) was reported by
the Committee on Energy and Natura l
Resources. S. Rep. No. 113-161, 160
Cong. Rec. S3028 (daily ed. May 19,
2014). e bill would withdraw and
reserve certain public land under the
jurisdiction of the Secretar y of the Inte-
rior for military uses.
S. 1341 (l and use) was rep orted by
the Comm ittee on Energy a nd Natu-
ral Re sources. S . Rep. No. 113-171,
160 Cong. Rec . S3307 (daily e d. May
22, 2014). e bill wou ld modify the
Forest Ser vice Recreation R esidence
Program a s the program appl ies to
units of t he National Forest System by
implementing a simple, equit able, and
Copyright © 2014 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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