Recent Developments

Date01 March 2017
3-2017 NEWS & ANALYSIS 47 ELR 10259
In the Congress
“In the Congress” entries cover activities reported in the Congressional Record from January 1, 2017, through Januar y 31,
2017. Entries are arranged by bill number, with Senate bills listed rst. “In the Congress” covers all environment-related
bills that are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the president. “In the Congress”
also covers all environmental treaties ratied by the Senate. is material is updated monthly. For archived materials, visit
Public Law
H.R. 6452 (natura l resources), which
implements the Convention on the
Conservation and Mana gement of
High Seas Fisheries Resource s in t he
North Pacic Ocean and the Conven-
tion on the Conservation and Manage-
ment of High Seas Fishery Resources in
the South Pacic Ocean, was signed on
December 16, 2016. Pub. L . No. 114-
327. 163 Cong. Rec. D10 (daily ed. Jan.
4, 2017).
Chamber Action
H.R. 46 (natura l resources), which
would authorize the Secretar y of the
Interior to conduct a special resource
study of Fort Ontario in the state of
New York, was passed by the House.
163 Cong. Rec. 712 (da ily ed. Jan. 30,
H.R. 306 (energy), which would
amend the Energy Independence and
Security Act to promote energy e-
ciency via information and computing
technologies, was passed by the House.
163 Cong. Rec. H266 (daily ed. Jan.
10, 2017).
H.R. 353 (climate change), which
would improve NOAA’s weather re-
search through a focu sed program of
investment on aordable and attainable
advances in observationa l, computing,
and modeling capabilities to support
substantial improvement in weather
forecasting and prediction of high-
impact weather events, and to expand
commercial opportunities for the provi-
sion of weather data, was passed by the
House. 163 Cong. Rec. H218 (daily ed.
Jan. 9, 2017).
H.R. 374 (wildlife, governa nce),
which would remove the sunset provi-
sion of §203 of Pub. L. No. 105-384 on
sheries management, was passed by
the House. 163 Cong. Rec. 713 (da ily
ed. Jan. 30, 2017).
H.R. 381 (land use), which would
designate a mountain in the John Muir
Wilderness of the Sierra National For-
est as “Sky Point,” was passed by the
House. 163 Cong. Rec. 709 (daily ed.
Jan. 30, 2017).
H.R. 511 (energy), which would pro-
vide for consideration of the extension
under the Energy Policy and Conserva-
tion Act of nonapplication of No-Load
Mode energy-eciency standard s to
certain security or life safety alarms or
surveillance s ystems, was passed by the
House. 163 Cong. Rec. H566 (da ily ed.
Jan. 23, 2017).
H.R. 518 (energy), which would
amend the Energy Policy and Con-
servation Act to exclude power supply
circuits, drivers, and device s designed
to be connected to, and power, light-
emitting diodes or organic lig ht-
emitting diodes providing il lumination
from energy conservation standards for
external power supplies, was passed by
the House. 163 Cong. Rec. H571 (daily
ed. Jan. 23, 2017).
H.R. 538 (land use), which would
redesignate Ocmulgee National Monu-
ment in the state of Georgia and revise
its boundary, was passed by the House.
163 Cong. Rec. 714 (daily ed. Jan. 30,
H.R. 555 (land use), which would
direct the Federal Communications
Commission to amend its rules so as
to prohibit the application to amateur
stations of certain private land use
restrictions, was pass ed by the House.
163 Cong. Rec. H581 (daily ed. Jan.
23, 2017).
H.R. 558 (land use), which would
adjust the boundary of the Kennesaw
Mountain National Battleeld Park
to include the Wallis House and Har-
riston Hill, was pass ed by the House.
163 Cong. Rec. 716 (dai ly ed. Jan. 30,
H.R. 587 (energy), which would
amend the Federal Power Act to pro-
vide that any inaction by FERC that
allows a rate change to go into eect
shall be treated as a n order by the
Commission for purposes of rehearing
and court review, was passed by t he
House. 163 Cong. Rec. H568 (daily ed.
Jan. 23, 2017).
H.R. 589 (energy), which would estab-
lish Department of Energy policy for
science and energy research a nd devel-
opment programs and reform National
Laboratory management and tech nolo-
gy transfer progra ms, was passed by the
House. 163 Cong. Rec. H646 (daily ed.
Jan. 24, 2017).
H.R. 590 (energy), which would foster
civilian resea rch and development of
advanced nuclear energy tec hnologies
and enhance the licen sing and com-
mercial deployment of such technolo-
gies, was passed by t he House. 163
Cong. Rec. H569 (daily ed. Jan. 24,
Copyright © 2017 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.
Committee Action
H.R. Res. 33 (govern ance) was re-
ported by the Committee on Rules. H.
Rep. No. 115-2, 163 Cong. Rec. H234
(daily ed. Jan. 9, 2017). e bill would
provide for the consideration of the
bill (H.R. 5) to reform the process by
which federal agencies ana lyze and for-
mulate new regulations and gu idance
documents, clarif y the nature of judi-
cial review of agency interpretat ions,
and ensure complete analysis of poten-
tial impacts on smal l entities of rules.
H.R. Res. 70 (water) was reported by
the Committee on Rules. H. Rep. 115-
6, 163 Cong. Rec. H742 (dai ly ed. Jan.
30, 2017). e bill would disapprove
the Stream Protection Rule.
H.R. Res. 71 (natur al resources) was
reported by the Committee on Rules.
H. Rep. 115-6, 163 Cong. Rec. H742
(daily ed. Jan. 30, 2017). e bill would
set forth the rule for consideration of
H.R. J. Res. 41 and provide for consid-
eration of H.R. J. Res. 40.
Bills Introduced
S. 22 (Heller, R-Nev.) (land use)
would amend Title 54, U.S. Code, to
prohibit the further extension or es-
tablishment of national monuments in
the state of Nevada, except by express
authorization of Congress. 163 Cong.
Rec. S59 (daily ed. Jan. 4, 2017). e
bill was referred to the Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources.
S. 31 (Feinstein, D-Ca l.) (natur al
resources) would amend the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act to perma-
nently prohibit the conduct of oshore
drilling on the outer continental shelf
o the coast of California , Oregon, and
Washington. 163 Cong. Rec. S59 (dai ly
ed. Jan. 4, 2017). e bill wa s referred
to the Committee on Energy and Natu-
ral Resources.
S. 32 (Fei nstein, D-Ca l.) (land use)
would provide for conser vation, en-
hanced recreation opportunitie s, and
development of renewable energ y in
the California D esert Con servation
Area. 163 Cong. Rec. S112 (daily e d.
Jan. 5, 2017). e bill w as referre d to
the Comm it tee on Energ y and Natu-
ral Re sources.
S. 33 (Murkowski, R-Ala ska) (gov-
ernance) would provide for congres-
sional approval of national monuments
and restrictions on the use of national
monuments and establish requirements
for the declaration of marine national
monuments. 163 Cong. Rec. S113
(daily ed. Jan. 5, 2017). e bill wa s
referred to the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s.
S. 35 (Thun e, R-S.D.) ( land use)
would transfer ad ministrative ju ris-
diction over certa in BLM la nd from
the S ecreta ry of the Interior to t he
Secre tary of Vetera n Aai rs for in-
clusion in the Blac k Hil ls National
Cemetery. 163 Con g. Rec. S113
(daily ed. Jan. 5, 2017). e bil l was
referr ed to the C ommittee on Energ y
and Na tura l Resource s.
S. 49 (Murkowski, R-Ala ska) (land
use) would provide a leasing program
within the coasta l plain. 163 Cong.
Rec. S113 (daily ed. Jan. 5, 2017). e
bill was referred to the Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources.
S. 53 (Cantwe ll, D-Wash .) (natura l
reso urces) wo uld author ize
and s trengthen th e NOAA t sunami
detec tion, fore cast, w arni ng, re-
search, a nd mitig ation program. 163
Cong. Rec. S113 (da ily e d. Jan. 5,
2017). The bill was refer red to th e
Comm ittee on C ommerce, Science,
and Tra nsporta tion.
S. 55 (Gillibrand, D-N.Y.) (natural
resources) would authorize the Secre-
tary of the Interior to conduct a special
resource study in Fort Ontario in the
state of New York. 163 Cong. Rec.
S113 (daily ed. Jan. 5, 2017). e bill
was referred to the Committee on En-
ergy and Natural Resources.
S. 61 (Cantwell, D-Wash.) (wild-
life) would remove the sunset provi-
sion of §203 of Pub. L. No. 105-384.
163 Cong. Rec. S154 (daily ed. Jan.
9, 2017). e bill was referred to the
Committee on Commerce, Science,
and Transportation.
S. 62 (Fla ke, R-Ariz.) (land u se)
would authorize t he Secretary of the
Interior to establi sh the Januar y 8th
National Memoria l in Tucson, Arizo-
na, as an aliated a rea of the National
Park System. 163 Cong. Rec. S154
(daily ed. Jan. 9, 2017). e bil l was
referred to the C omm ittee on Energy
and Natura l Resources.
S. 63 (Moran, R-Kan.) (governa nce)
would clarify t he rights of Native
Americans and Native A merican
tribes on Native American land s un-
der the National Labor Relations Act.
163 Cong. Rec. S154 (daily ed. Jan.
9, 2017). e bill was referred to the
Committee on Indian A airs.
S. 70 (Enzi, R-Wyo.) (land use) would
designate the mountain at the Devi ls
Tower Nationa l Monument, Wyoming,
as Devils Tower. 163 Cong. Rec. S154
(daily ed. Jan. 9, 2017). e bill was
referred to the Committee on Energy
and Natural Resource s.
S. 71 (Nelson, D-Fla.) (natura l re-
sources) would amend the Internal
Revenue Code to temporarily allow
expensing of certain costs of replanting
citrus plants lost by reason of casua lt y.
163 Cong. Rec. S154 (daily ed. Jan.
9, 2017). e bill was referred to the
Committee on Finance.
S. 74 (Nelson, D-Fla.) (water) would
improve the ability of NOAA, the
Coast Guard, and coa stal states to
sustain healthy oce an and coastal ec o-
systems by maintain ing and sustaining
their capabilities relating to oil spill
preparedness, prevention, and response.
163 Cong. Rec. S154 (daily ed. Jan.
9, 2017). e bill was referred to the
Committee on Commerce, Science,
and Transportation.
S. 76 (Capito, R-W. Va.) (governance)
would amend the Internal Revenue
Code to provide additional new mar-
kets tax credits for dist ressed coal com-
munities. 163 Cong. Rec. S204 (daily
ed. Jan. 10, 2017). e bill was referred
to the Committee on Finance.
S. 79 (K ing, I-Me.) (energ y) would
provide for t he establi shment of a pilot
program to identify securit y vulnera-
bilities of certa in entities in the energ y
sector. 163 Cong. R ec. S204 (da ily ed.
Copyright © 2017 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®,, 1-800-433-5120.

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