

Various books, pamphlets, tapes, and periodicals, solicited and undo-limted, are received from time to time at the editorial offices of the Mditwy La%, Remer. With volume 80. the R e m u began adding short descriptive comments ta the standard bibiiopaphic information pubhrhed in previous volumes. These comments are prepared by the editor after brief examination of the publications discussed. The number of items received makes formal review of the great majority of them mpossible.

The comments in these notes are not intended to he interpreted ad

recommendations for or against the books and other vntmgs described. These comments aerve only as information for the p~danceof OUT readers who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publications further on their ovn initiative. However, descnption of an item in this section does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent review in the .Mil-itary Laic Rerieia.

Fates are set forth in Section \', beloa, are arranged in alphabetical order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Publishers or Printers of Puhlieations Noted Section 111, Authors or Editors of Publications Noted: and Section IV, Titles Fated, below, the number in parentheses following each entry ia the number of the corresponding note In Section V. For books having more than one principal author or editor, all authors and editors are listed in Section I11

In Section 11, Publishers or Pnnters of Publications Noted, all fnms or organizations are listed whose namea are displayed an the cover or on or near the title page of a noted publication. Excluded from this list are institutional authors and editors irho are listed in Section 111. KO distinction 1s made In Section I1 among copyright onners. Immees. distributors, or printers for hire.

The opinions and conclusions expressed m the notes in Seetion Y are


those of the editor of the .Military Laic Revieti,. The3 do not necessalilb-reflect the riens of The Judge Advocate General's School, the Department of the Amy, or any other governmental agency.


Anchor Press, Doubleday C Company, he., 245 Park Avenue, KenYork, S.Y.

10017 Nos. 26, 27).

Broakings Institution, ATTK: Director of Publications, 1775 Massachusetts Ave., N.M'., Washington, D.C. 20036 (Nos. 5, 17, 18).

Burke Publications, 1744 West 75th Street, Hialeah, Florida 33014 (NO. 3).

Crane, Ruasak C Co., Inc., 347 Madison Aue., Neir Yark, S.Y.

19: Green book rerien).

Naval War College Preas. Nerrport. R.I. 02840 (Yo. 9).

Korth Carolina. University of, Press, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 (No. 26).


(K-08. 22. 23, 24).

Doubleday C Company. Inc., 246 Park Aye., New York. K.Y.

(Nos. 12, 25, 27). (See also Anchor Press.)

Facts on File, Inc., 119 West 57th St., Kew York, X,Y, 10019 (So. 21).

Government Printing Office (Superintendant of Documents). Wash-ington, D.C. 20402 (Nos. 1, 7, 13, 14, 16).

Hoover Institution Press, Department F911, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (No. 4).

John Wiley & Sow, Inc., 605 Third Aye., Nee York, S.Y. 10016 (No. 6).

XichieIBobbs-Mewill Co., Inc., P.O. Box 7587, Charlottesville, VA 22906 (KO.

Northrop University School of Lau, 1156 West Arbor Vitae Street. Ingleivood, CA 90306 (So. 15).

Practicing Law Institute, 810 Sewnth Ave., New Park, N.P. 10019 (KO.


Prentice-Hali, Inc., Engleivoad Chiis. KJ. 07632 (No. 11)

Sijthofi L Soardhoif International Publishers by, P.O. Box 4, Wilhelminalaan 12, 2400 MA Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands (30. 21.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, ATTN: Pubiications Dept.. Sveavagen 166, S-113 46 Stockholm, Sweden (Nos. 22, 23, 24).

Superintendent of Documents, L1.S Go\ernment Printing Office. Washmgttan. D.C. 20402 (Nos. 1, 7. 13, 14, 16).

Taylor L Francis, Ltd., 10-14 Xackhn Street, London WCZB U F ,

United Kingdom (No&. 22, 23, 2 4

U.S. Government Printing Office (Superintendent of Documents), Washington, D.C.

20402 (Koa. 1, i.

13, 14, 16)

University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 (No. 26).

West Publishing Companb, EO fi-. Kellogg Bhd.. P.O. Box 3526, St Paul, MN 65166 (Nos. 8. 20: Nutt book review).

Wiley, John, L Sons, Inc., 605 Third Are., Nerr York, N,Y. 10016 (So. 6).


h e d

Forces Inioormation Service, Code of the r.S Fightzng Force (No. 1).

Barry, Donald D., FLY. Feldbrugge, George Gmburgs. and Peter


  1. Maggs, Soviet Law After Stalin, volume III, Sowet Instttutions and the Administratton of Lau, (KO.


Jury Selection: The TA System For Tnel Attonieys (No.

Corfman, Eunice, editor, and Sational Institute of Mental Health. Families Today: Family Violence and Child Abuse, DHEWPublieation No. (ADMI 79-896 (No. 131.

Codman, Eunice, editor, and National Institute of Mental Health, Families Today: Mental Zllness in ths Famtly, DHEM' Publication Xo. (ADM)

79498 (Sa. 14).

Duignan, Peter, and Alvin Rabushka, editors, The Cnited States in the 1980s (No.


Feldbrugge, F.J.hl., Donald D. Barry. George Ginsburgs, and Peter B. Maags, Soviet Law After Stalin, volume III, Sovzet Institutions and the Administmtton of Law (No. 2).

Gelles, Richard J., Murray A. Straus, and Suzanne K. Steinmetz, Behmd Closed Doors' Violence zn the American Family (No. 25).

Ginsburgs, George, Donald D. Barry, F.J.M. Feldbmgge, and Peter B. Maags, Soviet Law After Stalin, volume Ill, Soviet Institutions and the Admznistmtion of Law (KO,


Hartman, Peter, and Arnold R. Weber, editors, The Reeards qfPublic Semice; Compensating Top Federal Officials (No. 51.

Hui, Y.H., Cnzted States Food Laws, Regulations, and Standards (No. 6).

Kaplan, Irving, editor, Dep't of Army Pamphlet So. 550-69, Angola. A Countly Study (No.


Noel, Government Contracts in a Yutshell (KO.

Levie, Howard S., editor, Documents an Pnsoners of War, Volume 60 of the .V.W.C. Internattonal Law Studies (No. 91.

Burke, J ~ s ,


Keyea, W,


Yaggs, Peter B., Donald D Barry, F.J M. Felilbrugge. and George Ginaburgs, Soiiet Lau After S t a h ~~olvme

III, Sowet Irisiztu:;ons andthr Admiaistratian afLm (KO.


hlanning, Jerome A,,

Estate Piniimng (No. 10).

Mogel, Leonard, The .l/iagarine. Eaen&ny YOU Veed to Kmr. io Make It tn the .~lagarina Busmesa (No 11).

Yooney, Robert F.,and Andre R. Sigaurney, The A'aniuekd Way



Sational Institute oilllental Health, and Eunice Coriman. editor, Fan- die8 Today Fainilg Vtzolencr and Child Abuse, DHEWPvhliealian 50

(AD.11) 79-80: (No 13).

Sational Institute of Xental Health. and Eunice Corfman. edit ilia Today Mental 111,~ess zn the Fainily. DHEW Pxb1;cat (ADM) 73-898 (NO 14).

Sarthrop University School oiLaw. of Aerospace, Energy. and fke Erinzro,

Kp-op, Richard F.. editor, Dep'l ofAmiy Parnphle: S o :iG-32. h a g A Country Stitdy (So. 16).

Peehman, Joseph A, editor. Setting Satioiial Pnonhrs. Age,ida foi. the 2980s (So. 17).

Pechman, Joseph A,, editor. What Shovld Be Tared Income or Es-panditwe? (So. 18).

Rabushka, Alvin, and Peter Dmgnan. editors. The rndid States ,,zthe 2980s (So. 4)

Rea, Peter, and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. R'odd Am-nianwnts ond Disamwnmd SIPRI Yeorhooks 1965-1878 cir,nuiatzt,e Index (KO.


Redden, Kenneth R.. and Stephen A. Saltnburg. Federal Rules of Evidence 41anztal (No. 19).


Saltzburg, Stephen A,, and Kenneth R. Redden, Federal Rvles of Emdence Manual (No.


Shanor, Charles A,, and Timothy P. Terreil, Military Law in e Xut-ahell (No. 20).

Sigourney, Andre R., and Robert F. Mooney, The Nantucket Way (No. 12).

Sobel, Lester A,, editor, Quotas and Affimtiue Action (Yo. 21)

Steinmetz, Suzanne K., Murray A. Straus, and Richard J. Gelies, Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the Amnean Family (No. 25).

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chenzeal Weop-om: Destwction and Conversion (No. 22).

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, and h h u r H.Westing, Wa$am in a Fragile World: Miltlary Impact on the Human Environnent (No. 23)

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, and Peter Rea, World Ammnts and Disarmament: SlPRI Yearbooks 1968-1979; Cumulative Indez (No. 24).

Straus, Murray A,, Richard J. Gelles, and Suzanne K. Steinmetz, Behmd Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family (No. 25).

Terreil, Timothy P., and Charles A. Shanor, Military Law m a Sut-shell (No. 20).

Thompson, James Clay, Rolltng Thunder: Cnderstanding Policy and Program Failwe (No. 26).

Van den Bosch, Robert, The Pesticide Conspzrocy (No. 27).

Weber, Arnold R., and Robert W.

Hartman, editors, The Rewards of

Public Seruiee: Compensattng Top Federal Officials (No. 6).

Westing, Arthur H., and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Wa$me zn a Fragtle World. Military Impact on the HumanEnviranmnt (No. 23).


Angola: A Country Study, Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 55LL59, edzted by lruing Kaplaplan (No. 7).

Behind Closed Doors. Violence in the American Family, by Murray A. Stmus, Richard J. Gelles, and Suzanne K. Steinmetr (No. 251.

Chemical Weapons: Destmction and Conversion, by Stockholm Inter-nattoml Peace Research lnsfztvte (No. 22).

Code ofthe U.S FightingForce, byArmedForcesIn/orrnatzonSen,iee (No. 1).

Dep't of Amy Pamphlet So. 55M9, Angoia: A Country Study, edited by Irving Kaplon (No 7).

Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 5EM1, Iraq: A Country Study, edsted by Rtchard F. Syrop (No. 16).

Documents on Prisoners of War, Volume 60 of the N.W.C. International Lax, Studies, edited by Hotcurd S. Levze (Io 91.

Estate Planning, by Jerom.e A Manning (No 10).

Families Todav: Familv Violence and Child Abuse. DHEW Publication No. (ADW 7&5, by .\:attonal Institute of Mental Health,Coeman, edttor (No 131

and Eumce

Federal Rules of Evidence lanud,neth R. Redden (No. 19).by Stephen A Saitzburg and Ken.

Government Contracts in a Nutshell, by U' Xoel Keyes (No. 8).

Iraq: A Country Study, Dep't of Army Pamphlet...

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