
    Various books, pamphlets, tapes, and periodicals, solicited and unsalicited, are received from time to time at the editorial offices of the Mzlilary Law Remew. With volume 80, the Review began adding short descriptive comments to the standard bibliographic information published in previous volumes. These comments are prepared by the editor afterbrief examination of the publications discussed. The number of items received makes formal review of the great majority of them impossible.

    The comments in these notes are not intended to be interpreted BB

    recommendations for or against the books and ather writings described. These comments serve only as information for the guidance ofour readers who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publications further on their own initiative. However, description of an item in this section does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent review in the Mil. itam Law Reuieu;.

    Nates are set forth in Section V, below, are manged in alphabetical order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Publishers or Printers of Publications Noted; and Section IV, Titles Rated, below, the number in parentheses following each entry is the number of the corresponding note in Section V. For books having more than one principal author OT editor, all authors and editors are listed in Section 111.

    In Section 11, Publishers or Printers of Publications Noted, all h s or organizations are listed whose names are displayed on the cover or onor near the title page of a noted publication. Excluded from this liat are institutional authors and editors who are listed in Section 111. No distinction is made in Section I1 among copyright owners, licensees, distributors, or printers for hire.

    The opinions and conclusions expressed in the note8 in Section V m those of the editor af the Military Law Review. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Judge Advocate general'^ Sehool, the Department of the Army, or any other governmental agency.


    Adjutant General Publications Center, see U.S. Army AG Publications Center.

    American Bar Foundation, 1165 East 60th St.. Chicago, IL 60637 (So. 1).

    Anchor Press, see Doubleday and Co., Inc.

    h y AG Publications Center, see U.S h y

    AG Publications Center.

    Bobbs-Medl Co., Inc., 4300 West 62d St., Indianapolis, IS 46206 (No 8).

    Cerbems Book Company, Columbia. South Carolina (No. 18).

    Crane, Russak, & Co , Inc., 347 Madison Are.. New York, Ne!\ York 10017 (No. 20)

    Dolphin, see Doubleday and Ca., Inc.

    Doubleday and Co., Inc., 501 Franklin Are., Garden City, NY 11530 (Nos. 11. 12. 13, 16, 16).

    Federal Publications, Inc.. 1725 K Street, K.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 (NO. 19).

    Government Printing Office, see Superintendent of Documents.

    Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 21216 (Sos. 14, 21).

    Lamond Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 66, It. Air)., XD 21i71 (Sa. 3).

    Michie Company, P.O. Box 7587, Charlottesville, VA 22906 (XOS.

    8. 9).

    Oceana Publications, Inc., 75 Main St., Dobbs Ferny, NY 10522 (KO. 7).

    Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englenood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (KO. li)


    Resources for the Future, Inc., 1755 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (Nos. 14, 21).

    Seven Arts Press, Inc., 6605 Hollywood Blvd., P.O. Box 649, Hollyvood, CA 90028 (Nos. 4, 51.

    Superintendent af Documents, U S

    Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Nos. 2, 6, IO).


    Army AG Publications Center, 28W Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220 (Nos. 2, 6, 10).

    U S

    Government Printing Office, see Superintendent of Documents.



    American Bar Foundation, Annotated Code of Professzonal Responsibility (KO.


    Armed Forces Information Service, DEFENSE180 (No. 2).

    Bedingfield, James P., and Howard W. Wright, Governman! Contract Accounting (No. 191.

    Bush, George P., and Robert H. Dreyfuuss, Technology and Copyright: Sources and Materials (No. 3).

    Dreyfuss, Robert H., and George P. Bush, Technology and Copyright: Sources and Materials (No. 3).

    Fritsch, Albert J., and Science Action Coalition, Envimnmental Ethics: Choices for Concerned Citizens (No. 151,

    Hurst, Walter E., and Dan REO, How To Sell Yaw Song (No. 4).


    Walter E., Managers', Entertainers: and Agents' Book (KO.


    Kaplan, Irving, editor, Dep't of Amy Pamphlet NO. 510-75, Zambia: A Countw Study (No. 6).

    Levie, Howard S., editor, Protection of War Vzctims: Protocol I to the 2949 Geneva Conventions, Vol. 1 (So. 7).

    Marshall, James, Law and Psychology tn Confizet (No. 8).

    Monroe, Glenn E., Government Contract Lam Manual (No.


    Selson, Harold D.,

    editor, Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 55W5, Libya:

    A Country Study (No.


    Newman, Oscar, Communzty of Interest (No. 11).

    Pomroy, Martha, What Every Woman Needs to Knm, About the Lau (No. 12).

    Rejnis, Ruth, Her Home A Woman's Guide to BuyingReal Estate (No. 13).

    Rim, Dan, and Walter E. Hurst, Horn To Sell Your Song (No. 4).

    Russell, Clifford S., editor, Collectwe Dee~sion Xakiny. Applzeations from Public Choice Theory (No.


    Science Action Coalition, and Albert J. Fritsch, Environmental Ethics Choices for Concerned Citizens (No.


    Smith, Robert Ellis, Privacy: How to Protect What's Left of It (No. 16).

    Walpale, Jane R., A Wnter's Guide: Easy Grovnd Rules for Successful

    Written English (No. 17).

    Weber, John Paul, The Gernzan War Artists (No,


    Wright, Howard W., and James P. Bedingfield, Gocernment Contrnct Accounting (So. 19).

    Wu, Yuan-li, Rau. Material Supply in a Multipolar World (No.


    Young, Oran R., Compliance and Public Aathonty: A Theow with International Applications (No. 21).



    Annotated Code of Profeessional Responsibility, by American Bar Foundation (No. 1).

    Collective Decision Making: Applications from Public Choice Theory, edited by Cliffmd S. Russell (No. 14).

    Community of Interest, by Oscar N e m a (KO.


    Compliance and Public Authority: A Theory with International Applications, bg Oran R. Young (KO.


    DEFENSEWO, by Armed Forces Infoonnation Service (No. 2).

    Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 55&75, Zambia: A Country Study, edited by h i n g Kaplon (No. 6).

    Dep't of Army Pamphlet NO. 650-85, Libya: A Country Study, edited by Harold D Nelson (No. 10).

    Environmental Ethics: Choices for Concerned Citizens, by Science Action Coalition and Albert J. Fritsch (No. 15).

    German War Artista, by John Paul Weber (No.


    Wright and Jams P.

    Government Contract Law Manual, by Glenn E. Monroe (No. 9).

    Her Home: A Woman's Guide to Buying Real Estate, by Ruth Rejnis (?io. 13).

    How to Sell Your Song, by Walter E. Humt and Don Rieo (No. 4).

    Law and Psychology in Conflict, by Jamas .blarsholl (No. 8).

    Libya: A Country Study, Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 550-86, edited by Harold D.

    Nelson (No. 10).

    Government Contract Accounting, by Howard W.

    Bedingfield (No. 19).

    Managers', Entertainers', and Agents' Book, by Walter E. Hurst (No. 6).

    Privacy: How to Protect What's Left of It, by Robert Ellis Smith (Bo. 16).

    Protection of War Victims: Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, vol. 1, edtted by Hosard S. Leme (No. 7).

    Raw Material Supply in a Multipolar World, by Yuan-it U'u (No. 20).

    Technology and Copyright Sources and Uatelials, by George P Bush and Robed H Dreyfuss (No. 3).

    What Every Woman Needs to Know About the Law, by Martha Pomroy (No. 12).

    Writer's Guide: Easy Ground Rules for Successful Written English, by Jane R. Walpole (No. 17).

    Zambia: A Country Study, Dep't of Army Pamphlet No. 560-75, edzted by Imng Kaplan (No. 6).


    1. American Bar Foundation, Annotated Code of Professional Respoa-sibibty. Chicago, Illmois: American Bar Foundation, 1979, Pp. xxii, 478. Available in cloth cover or as paperback. Index and tables.

    The Code of Professional Responsibility, which governs the behavior of attorneys as attorneys, was adopted by the Amencan Bar Association on August 12, 1969, aith an effective date of J a n u q 1, 1970. This book is a collection of explanatoQ- notes and interpretive Comments concerning the vanous provisions of the Code, including citations to court decisions, opinions of the ABA ethics committee, law review articles, and other authorities. The work is, in effect, a treatise on American legal ethics today.

    The Code of Professional Respanability replaced the Canons of Profes-sional Ethics, a set ai thirty-two mle~fwst adopted by the American BarAssociation in 1908. By the mid-l920's, if not earlier, it was recognized


    by many that the old Canons did not deal adequately with the problems faced by attorneys in dealing with, and within, the many new business and governmental structures which were coming into being. Several efforts at reform were launched, but none succeeded until the 1960's.

    The Code is organized in nine numbered canons, which are short, broad statements. Canon 1, "A Lawyer Should Assist in Maintaining the Integrity and competence of the Legal Profession," is typical. Each canon is supplemented by numbered "ethical considerations," in paragraph form, and from time to time by numbered "disciplinary rules."

    The book follows the organization of the Code, with each canon presented in a separate chapter. The text of the canons, ethical considerations, and discipiinary rules is set forth in bold face type at the beginning of each chapter. The provisions are then broken up and repeated for separate discussion. Discussion of each provision 1s set forth in a comment, followed by textual and histoncal nates, and by lists of related provisions.

    For the convenience of the user, the book offers a table of contents, a preface, a discussion of sources for the material in the book, a note concerning the legislative history of the Code, and a note about footnotes used in the book. Two Code documents are presented in this introductoq section, the preface to the 1969 fnal draft...

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