
Various books. pamphlets, tapes. and penodicali, solicited and unso-licited. are received from time to time at the editorial offices of the,Milifa.ry Laic Rei'ieic TVith rolume 80, tdescriptive comments to the standard bibliin previous ToIumes. These comments are prepared by the editor after brief examination of the publications discussed. The number of items received makes formal review of the great rnqority of them impoaeible.

The comments m these nates are not intended to be interpreted ad recommendations for or against the books and other nntmga described These comments serve only as information for the guidance of our reader who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publication further on their own initiative. Hone\er. description of an item in thi section does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent rerim in the.llt1 qtqj Lax Re~zeic.

Xotes are set forth in Section IV, beiow are arranged in alphabetical order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Authors or Editors of Publications Koted, and in Section 111. Titlei Noted, beloy the number mparentheses following each entry is the number of the correspondingnote

in Section IV,

For books having mose than one principal author or editor. all authors and editors are listed in Section 11.

The opinions and concluaiona expressedthose of the editor of the .Wiltfar# Law Rereflect the views of The Judge Adrocate General's School. the Department af the Army, or any other governmental agency


Bennet, liarion T., Wilson Coi+--en. and Philip Kmhols. Jr , The Cmted States Court ofCloinis. A Hgstory (No. 1)

Bieber, Doris X., Dictionary of Legal Abbrsmations Csed zn Amencan Law Books (50.


Binkin, Martin, and Irene Kyriakopoulor, Youth or Erpenenee? Monning the .Modem Military (No. 3).

Cowen, Wilson, Marion T. Bennet, and Philip Nichols, Jr., Th~e Cnited States C o d ofClainis: 4 History (No. 1).

Department ofthe Army, Pamphlet So. 613-105, The 0.fteerEuaIuohan Reporting System "In Bner (No. 4).

Dill, Alonzo T., author, and Edward 11. Riley, editor, George Wythe Teacher oflzberly (No 5).

Garling. Marmente. and the Writers and Scholars Educational Trust. and Amencan Inter.

Kyriakopoulos, Irene, and Martin Binkin, Youth 01 Espenence? .Man-nmg the Modern .l411ztory (No. 3).

Nichols, Philip, Jr., Marion T. Bennet, and Wilson Cowen, The Cnited States Court of Claims. A History (No. 1).

O'Brien, William 1'. , C S. Military Inten,entton: Lax and A4omltty (The Washivton Papers, u.01 VII, no 68) (No. 7).

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Postures for NonPmlifwation. A n s Limitation and SeeunPy Policies to Minimire Nu-clew Prolifemtian (No. 8).

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. World Armaments and Disanameni. SIPRI Yearbook I979 (No. 9).

Whelm, John U., editor, volume 15, Yearbook of Procurement Altieles

(No. 10).

Wnters and Scholars Educational Trust, and Marguerite Garling, The Human Rights Handbook. A Guide to Bntish and Amencan Intemational Rights Orgaititations (No.



Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Used in American Law Books, byDoris M.


George Wythe: Teacher of Liberty, by Alonro T. Dill and edited byEdward M. Rzley (No.


Human Rights Handbook: A Guide to British and American International Rights Organizations, by h'arguerite Garling and the Writevs and Schol-ars Educational Trust (No. 61

Pamphlet No. 62b105, The Officer Evaluation Reporting System "In Brief," by Department of the A m y (No. 41.

Postures for Non-Proliferation: Arms Limitation and Security Policies to Minimize Nuclear Proliferation, by Stockholm Inkmational Peace Research Instztute (No.


SIPRI Yearbook 1979 World Armaments and Disarmament, by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (No.


United States Court of Claims: AHistory, by Manon T. Bennet, Wtlson Cowen, and Philip Nichols, Jr. (No. 11.

C.S. Military Intervention: Law and Morality (The Washingan Papers, vol. VII, no. 68), by Willtam V. O'Bnen (No. 7).

Worlr Armaments and Disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook 1979, by Stockholm Internattonal Peace Research Institute (No. 9).

Yearbook of Procurement Articles, edited by John W. Whelan (No. 10).

Youth or Experience? Manning the Modern Military, by Martin Binkm and I 'en@ Kynakopoulos (No.


1. Bennet, Marion T., Wilson Cawen, and Philip Nichols, Jr., The United States Court of Claims. A History. Washington, D.C.: Committee on the Bicentennial of Independence and the Constitution of the Judicial Conference of the United States. Part I, 1976, pp. xii, 236. Part 11, 1978, pp. xii, 184. Paperback.

Bieber (No.

This two-volume nark IS a government publication. prepared far the Bicentennial by a committee of Court of Claims judges. The first volume contains biographical sketcher of the various judges; the second volume, an account of the origlns. development, and junsdietion of the Court of Claims.

Part I. The Judges, 18561976, xias written by Marion T. Bennett. It contains biographies of forti-seven judges, arranged m chronalogxal order by date of their first appointment to the Court of Clalmr. The biographies are from two to four pages in length. and include pictures of the judges. The text 1s supplemented by eight tables providing Statistical information about the judges, such as thew order of appointment. dates of birth and death, states from which appointed, length of service, political party membership, and other data

Part I provides for the convenience of the reader a foreword, preface, and two tables of contents The first table of contents lists the judges in the chronologxal order in which their biographies are presented. The second lists the judges' names in alphabetical order

Part I1 16 entitled. "Ori~n-Development-Junsdletion, 18561978." It was written by the entire Court of Clalmr committee, Wilson Cowen. Philip Kichols. Jr.. and hlarion T. Bennett. It is organized in three eec-tiom Section One. by Wilson Coxen, emera the court's history from 1856 to 1887. Section Two sets forth the events of tile )ear& from IS67to 192i and was written by Philip Nichols, Jr. The third section, by Mlartin T. Bennett, brings the court's history up to mld-19i6.

The second part cloaes with five tables, providing information about the judges, trial comm~ssioners. and cierks, summarizing the numerous statutoq authontiee for the court's activities. and updating part I of the history

Part I1 has a foreword and a detailed table of contents, as well as pictures of the old and new courthouses. Each of its three sections is separately footnoted.

Marion T. Bennett, the primary author of this history, has been an associate judge on the Court of Claims since 1972. Previously he had served as B trial commmioner or trial judge since 1949 During the 194th he was a member of the House of Representatives.

Wilson Cowen, also a former trial commissioner, was appointed chief judge of the Court af Claims in 1964 and served until his retirement in 1977. He was at one time a county judge in...

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