

Various books, pamphlets, and periodicals, solicited and unsoli-cited. are received from time to time at the editorial offices of the Military Law Rezieu,. With volume SO, the Review began adding short descriptive comments to the standard bibliographic information published in previous volumes. These comments are prepared by the editor after examination of the publications discussed. The number of items received makes formal review of thegreat majority of them impassible.

The comments in these nates are not intended to be interpreted as recommendations for or against the books and other writings described These comments serve only as information for the guidance of our readers who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publications further an their own initiative. However, description of an item in this section does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent review in the Military Lail Review.

Notes are set forth in Section IV, below, arearranged in alphabeti-cal order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Authors or Editors of Publications Noted, and, in Section 111, Titles Noted, the number in parenthesis fallowing each entry is the number of the corresponding note in Section IV. For books having more than one principal author or editor. all authors and editors are listed in Section 11.

The opinions and conclusions expressed in the note8 in Section IV are those of the editor of the Military Laz Rrcielc. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Judge Advocate General's School. the Department of the Army, or any other governmental agency.


Adzigian, Denise Allard, editor, Enegelopedia of Governmental Ad- Alexander, Yonah, and Ray S. Cline, Terrorism: The Soviet Connee- Barber, Satirious A,, On What the Constitution Means (No. 2).


tion (No. 6).

Organizations (Fourth Edition) (No. 1).

Beckwith, COL Charlie A,. and Donald Knox, Delto Force (No 3). Blasi, Vincent, editor, The Btrger Coitri. The Counter-Rer'olutian

That Waan't (No. 4).

Blasier, Cole, The Giant's Riial. The L'SSR orid Latin America (So. 5).

Buss, Terry F., Joseph A. Waldron. and Carol A. Sutton. Computers in Criminal Justice An Ixtroduetzan to Small Computers (KO. 11).

Cline, Ray S.. and Yonah Alexander. Terror~clm: The Somt Cmmetmn (No 6).

Filler. Louis, editor, The President intheZOth Centivu: VolumeI: The Ascendant President From William McKwiley to Lyndon B. Johnson (KO. I).

Golden, James R., Lee D. Olvey. and Robert C. Kelley, The Eeonomtes o/,Vational Security (So. 9).

Kelly Robert C., Lee D. Olvey and James R. Golden, The Economies of Sattonal Security (No. 9).

Knoa. Donald. and COL Charlie A. Beckwith. Delta Force (No. 31. Lornperis, Timothy J., The War Ereruone Lost -And R'oa:Americn's

Intercention in Viet A'am's Twin Struggles (No. 8).

Olvey, Lee D.. James R. Golden, and Robert C Kelly, The Econionies of .Vattonal Security (No. 9).

Paper. Lewis J., BrondeLs (Sa. 10).

Sultan, Carol A, Terry F. Buss, and Joseph A. W'ddron. Cmnputers in

Criminal Jwtzcer. An Introduetiori to Sinall Computers (So. 11) Raldron. Joseph A,. Terry F. Buss, and Carol A Sutton, Campictrra $2'

Crimiiial Jzmtier: Air Intmduclion to Sniall Compt,ters (No. 11).


Brandeis, by Leu18 J. Paper (So. 10).

Burger Court: The Counter-Revolution That Warn't, The, edited by Vii,iceiit Blast (No. 4)

Computers and Criminal Justice: An Introduction to the Small Computer. bu Joseph A. Waldron, Carol A. Sutton. and Terry F. Buss (No. 11).

Delta Farce, by COL Charlie A. Beckwith and Do,,nld K n o ~

(no. 3).

Economics of National Security, The. by Lee D Olhy James R

Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisory Organizations, idtted 61

Giant's Riral, The USSR and Latin America. The, by Coir Blosirr

On What the Constitution Means. by Sotirios A. Barber (So. 2).

Golden. oud Robert C. Kelly (No. 9).

Denise AIlard Aditpan (No 1)

(So. 5).

President in the 20th Century: Volume I: The Ascendant President From William McKinley to Lyndon B. Johnson. The, edited bg Louis Filler (No. 7).

Terrorism: The Soviet Connection, by Ray S. Cline and Yonah Alezander (Sa. 6).

War Everyone Lost- and Won: America'slnterventian in Viet Xiam's Twin Struggles. The. by Timothv J, Lomperis (Sa. 8).


1. Adzigian, Denise Allard (ed.), Eneyelopedm of Governmental Adrisory Organizations (Fourth Edition). Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Ca., 1983. Pages: 964. Appendices, Alphabetical and Key-ward Index. Price: S360.00. Publisher's address: Gale Research Co., Book Tower. Detroit. Michigan 48226.

One is often bewildered or overwhelmed by the myriad commissions, study groups. and task forces simultaneously at work at liter. ally hundreds af problems at the federal governmentallevel. Among the more recently publicized of such bodies have been the National Bipartisan Commission an Central America (the "Kissinger Commission") and the President's Commission on Strategic Farces (the "Scowcroft Commission"). There are, however, literally thousands of other such commissions that tackle problems for venereal disease to tank production. To the general public. their existence may be unknown, their missions misunderstood, and their personnel entirely faceless. Yet, those bodies frequently formulate the policy and proposals that may find their way into the law of the land.

In the fourtheditionofthe EncyclopediaofGouernmentai Adaisory

Organizations, the Gale Research Company solvesthosemysteries in connection with over 3,900 suchgovernmental agenciesand committees Bath active and defunct organizations are listed; the latter to alert the practitionertopast governmentalconcern with a particular issue or for general historical interest. The entries are divided into ten broad categories: Agriculture; Business. industry, economics, and labor, Defense and military science, Education and social wel-fare: Environment and natural resources: Health and medicine; History and culture: Government, law and international affairs; Engineering, science and technology; and Transportation. To assist the researcher. an alphabetical and key word index is provided.

Locating an agency may reward the researcher with the official name, address, telephone number, executive secretary or director of the body, its history and authority, its program or mission. its membership, staff, subsidary units, publications and reports.

2. Barber, Sotirias A,. On U'hat the Cokstitution Meanr. Baltimore. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1981 Pages: nii. 245. Notes, Index. Price. $17.60. Publisher's address: The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.

Attorneys nho follow the workings of the Supreme Court frequently see a varietyoftheariesafconstitutianal interpretation pres. ented in the opinions and dissents of the ultimate arbiters of the meaning of the document. As we approach the bicentennial of our Constitution, Satirias A. Barber. a Professor of Political Science at the University of South Florida. proposes yet another theory of constitutional interpretation

After admitting that his view of the Constitution iscloser tothat of Justice Marshall than that of Justice Rehnquist, Professor Barber expounds upon a theory that blends the preemting notions of textual, intentionalist, and consen~ualinterpretation to form a theory of comtitutionai aspirations. Eschewing both the ease method and a theory of judicial review that presuppo~es an infallible Supreme Court, the author espouses the view that the Constitution has Bmeaning entirely apart from what anyone or any body say that it means. Such a theory would permit, as was suggested by Justice Marshall in a speech to the Second Circuit quoted in the Introduction to the book. that lower court judges could rationally delimit rulings of the Supreme Court should those judges deem the Court to hare been incorrect. This and other unconventional ideas proposed in the book are likely to spark controversy among attorneys and nan-attorney students of government alike

3. Beckwith. COL Charlie A,. USA (Ret.) and Donald Knox, Drlfa Farce. New York, New York Harcourt Brace Jauanovieh. Publishers, 1983. Pages: ix, 310. Glossary. Index. Price: $14.95. Publisher's address: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Publishers, 7 E i Third Avenue. Kiew York, New York lOO1i.

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