

Various books, pamphlets. tapes, and periodicals, solicited and unsolicited, are received from time to time attheeditorial offiresof the Military Law Reozsw. With volume 80, the Review began adding short discriptive comments to the standard bibliographic infarmation published in previous volumes. These comments are prepared by the editor after brief examination of the publications discussed The number of items received makes formal review of the great majority of them impossible.

The comments in these notes are not intended to be interpreted 85

recommendations for or against the books and other writings described. These comments serve only as information for the guidance of our readers who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publications further on their own initiative. However, deseription of an item in this section does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent review in the Military Lax' Reniew.

Notes are set forth in Section IV,below, are arranged in alphabetical order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Authors or Editors of Publications Noted, and in Section 111, Titles Noted, below, the number in parenthesesfollowingeaehentry isthe number of the corresponding note in Section IV. For books havingmore than one principal author or editor. all authors and editors are listed in Section 11.

The opinions and conclusions expressed in the notes in Section IV are those af the editor of the Mtlitary Law Reczew, They do not necessarily reflect the view of The Judge AdvocateGeneral's School, the Department of the Army. or any other governmental agency.

11. AUTHORS OR EDITORS OF PUBLICATIONS NOTED Addiestone. David F.. John Koslawske, Lewis M. Mdford, Keith D.

Snyder, Barton F. Stichman, and the Satianai Veterans Law Center of the Washington Coliege of Law, Militam Discharge L'pgrading and Introduction to Veterans Administration Law: A Proctiee Manual (No. 1).

19841 PUBLICATIONS NOTES Maarranen, Steven A , and William J.Tayior,Jr., TheFutureof Con- Mullaney. Marie Marmo, Rwoittonory Women (No. 171. National Archives and Records Service. Officer of the Federal Register, and General Services Administration. The United States Garernmen! Manual 1985184 (No. 20).

Sational Veternas Law Center of the Washington College of Law, The David F. Addiestone, John Koslowske. lewis M. Milford. Keith D. Snyder. and Barton F. Stichman, Military Discharge (Ipgrading and Introduction to Veterans Administration Lou: A Practice Manral (So. 1).

Ninic, Mirosiav. The Ams Race: The Political Economy of Military Groii,th (No. 18).

Nordham, George Washington. George Weshmgton and the Lax' (No. 19).

Office of the Federal Register. National Archives and Records Service, and General Services Administration. The (Inited States Government .Maniml 1983;8?, (No. 20).

Ozgur, Ozdemir A,, Apartheid: The Cnitrd Sotiam and Peaceful Chanoe in South A h a

(No 21).

flict in the 1980s 1x0 26).

Omenn. Cilbert S., andLester B. Lave. Clearing the Air: Reforniing

Price, Barbara Raffel, and Katalie J Sokoloff (eds.), The Criminal

Schwwtz, Bernard. and Stephan Lesher, Inside the Warren Court,

the Clean Air Act (No. 12).

Justice System and Women (No. 22).

1355-1969 (NO. 23).

Snyder, Keith D.. David F. Addlestone, John Kosiawske, Lewis M.

Milford. Barton F. Stichman. and the Katianai Veterans Law Center of the Washington College of Law, Military Dmharge Cpgreding and Introduction to Veterons Adm~nistrotion Law: A Practice Manual (No. 11.

Sokoloff, Natalie J.. and Barbara Raffel Price (eds.), The Criminal

Jeststice System and Women (No. 22).

Spence, Gerry. Oj Murder and Madness: A True Story of hisanity and the Law (KO. 24).

Stichman. Barton F., David F. Addlestone. John Kaslawske. Lewis M. Milford, Keith D. Snyder, and the National Veternas Law Center of the Washington College of Law Milttary Discharge Cpgreding and Introduction to Veterans Administrotion Law: A

Tahir-Kheli. Shirin (ed.), 1:s. Strategze Interest8 in Southwest Asia

Taylor, %illiam J., Jr.. and Steven A. Maarranen (eds.), The Future


(No. 251.

of Conflict in the 1980s (No. 261.

Practice .Manual (NO.

Thee. Marek. and Sverre Lodgaard (eds.1. S ~ ~ e l s a r Disengogenientin

Reizs. Seymour. and John F. Lehman, Beyond the SALTIIFoilure

Europe (No. 16)

(So. 131.

Forgotten Victim: a History of the Civilian, The, by Richard Shelly

Future of Conflict I" the 1980s. The, by Willtam J. Taylor. Jr. atid

George Washington and the L a y by Gearqe Waiishinqton Nordham

Harttgan (No. 5).

Steren A. Maananen (No. 26).

(No. 19).

Go East. Young Man: The Early Years. by Wtlltam 0 DauglasiKo. 3).

"How Can You Defend Those People?" The Making of B Criminal

Lawyer, by James S. Kunen (No. 11).

How to Register a Trademark; Protect Yourself Before You Lose

Your Priceless Trademark, by Walter E, Hurst and Fred Woaanrr (No 71Inside-;he-WarieA Court. 1953.1969, by Bernard Sehica*i and

Justice At War: The Story of the Japanese American Internment

Lieber's Code and the Law of War. by Richard Shelly Hadigon(No. 6).

Stephon Lesher (No. 23).

Cases, by Peter Irons. (No. 8).


Military Discharge Upgrading and Introduction to Veterans Administration Law: A Practice Manual, by Dauid F. Addlestone, John Koslowske. Lewis M. Milford, Keith D. Snyder, Barton F. Stiehman, and the .Vatzonal Veterans Law Center of the Washing-ton Collsge of Laic (No 1).

New International Status of Civil Defense, by Dr. Boseo Jaklovljevie (No 9).

Nuclear Disengagement in Europe, by Suerre Lodgarrd and Marek Thee (eds.j (No. 16).

Of Murder and Madness: A True Story of Insanity and the Law, by Gerry Spence (No. 24).

Revolutioncry Women, by Marie Marmo .Wdloney (No. 17). Russia and World Order: Strategic Choices & the Laws of Power in

Status of Gibraltar. The, by Howard S. Levie (No. 14).

United States Government Manual 1983/84, by the General Se.n,iees Administratton, Office ofthe Federel Regzster, and the ,Vationel Arehwes and Records Smite (No. 20).

U.S. Strategic Interests in Southwest Asia. by Shirin Tahir-Kheliid/ (No. 25).

Women in Laa. by Cynthia Fuehs Epstein (No. 4).

History, by George Liska (No. 15).


1. Addlestone, David F., John Kosloske, Lewis M. Milford. Keith K. Snyder, Barton F. Stichman, & theNational Veterans Law Center of the Washington College of Law, MilitarzJ Disehayge Cpgrading and Introduction to Veterans Administration Law: A Practice Manual. Washington, D.C.: Veterans Education Project. 1982. Pages: 100. Bibliography. Price: $46.00 (looseleaf). Publisher's address: The Veterans Education Project, Department M, P.O. Box 42130. Washington, D.C. 20015.

In the Foreword, the authors describe this book as"designed tobe a desk reference and issue-oriented guide for attorneys. paralegals. veteran advocates, and veterans with discharge upgrading cases. It is an attempt to pull together, for the first time, a11 of the resources and recent developments in this area of the law."Yilitar~Diseharge Upgrading meets this objective and more.

Divided into twenty-eight chapters, many of which are supplemented by helpful appendices, and rounded out by an extensive bibliography, this looseleaf handbook surveys the structure of the miiitary itself and outlines the criminal and administrative discharge systems within the armed forces. Following such preiimi-nary discussion, the book details the various grouds for discharge

from the military, to include alcohol abuse, homosexuality, unsuitability. misconduct. fraudulent enlistment. and discharge in lieu of court-martial with an eye toward providing the practitioner with grounds to attack discharges which have been based upon each Armed with these grounds, the authorsexplain the routes of rewew and the potential stumbling blockswitheach.Thechapteronfederalcourt litigation Supplies sample petitions to the Court of Claims, a sample complaint forfederaldistrictcourt,and alistofcasesdeaiing with military administrative discharges. Practice before and eligibility far benefits administered by the Veterans Administration are separately discussed. Here. too, the uninitiated attorney IS led

through the system in a manner which would enable him or her to competently prepare a case and formally litigate it in the proper forum.

The Manual is kept up-ro-date by the VeteransRigkts Swsletter, a bimonthly publication which highlights current changes and developments in the Ian. such as the progress af the Agent Orange litigation and the status of defaults on home mortgages guaranteed by the Veterans Administration This update service is avaiiabletoindividual veterans for 31i.00 annually, to organizations for S30.00. to offices funded by the Legal Services Corporation for $20.00. and to incarcerated veterans for S7.50 Especially valuable are C B S ~


and legislative and regulatory revisions which might be otherwise unknown to the attorney not regularly practicing ~n the area

The organization under whose auspicien the Handbook and sletter are published. the Veterans Education Project, describes itself as "a nonprofit organization that serves as a national information clearinghouse for veterans. VEP specializes in the areas of discharge upgrading, Agent Orange, Streas Disorder. radiation and veterans benefits problems "In addition to the material noted above, the Project has a wealth of other literature. including "self-help" guides for veterans in need of assistance in seeking to alter thestatus under which they leIt the service. A listing IS available through the address listed above

2. Bergerson, Frederic A,. The Army Gets on Air Force. Tactics oj Insurgent Bureaueratie Poiities. Baltimore. Maryland: The Johns Hapkins University Press. 1982. Pages: xiii,216,Appendms Sotes. Bibliography. Index, Tables. Price: $14.00. Publisher's address The Johns Hapkins University Press. Baltimore. Maryland 21218.

By the early 1970s. it had flown thousands of major combat missions...

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