
    Various books, pamphlets, tapes, and periodicals, solicited and unsolicited, are received from time to time at the editorial offices of the Y~iltory

    Lau. Re.~zem With volume 80, the Reuiew began adding short descriptive comments to the standard bibliographic information published in previous volumes. These comments are prepared b? the editor after brief examination of the publications discussed. The number of items received makes formal review ai the great majority of them impoaaible.

    The comments in these notes are not intended to be interpreted as recommendations for or against the books and other writings described. These comments serve only as information for the guidance of our readers who may want to obtain and examine one or more of the publications further on their own initiative. However, description of an item in this section does not preclude simultaneaua or aubsequent review in the .Military Laa. Recieu.

    Xotes are set forth in Section I\', belos, are arranged in alphabetical order by name of the first author or editor listed in the publication, and are numbered accordingly. In Section 11, Authors or Editors of Publications h'ated, and in Section 111, Titles Noted, be-low-, the number in parentheses following each entry is the number of the corresponding note in Section IY. For books having more than one principal author or editor, all authors and editors are listed in Section 11.

    The opinions and C O ~ C ~ U S ~ O ~ S

    expressed in the notes in Section IV are those of the editor of the Milztary Lax Reciew. They da not neeessarily reflect the views of The Judge Advocate General's School, the Department of the Army, or any ather governmental agency.


    Army Training Support Center, The ATLP Ii'riterIEditor Hniid-hook (No 3

    Armyride Tramng Literature Program, The ATLP It'rttdEditoi

    Hnr,dbooh (No 51.

    Bieber, Doris, M., Dietionory of CurTent Aniericaii Legal Ciiat8on9, Abridged Edition Wdh Esarnples (No. 1).

    Back. Bruno, and Klaus Bock, SovieiBloe Merchant Ships (No. 2).

    Bock, Klaus, and Bruno Bock, Soviet Bloc Merchant Ships (KO. 2).

    Bologna, Jack, A G?iideline/or Fraud Audittrig (No.


    Boylan, Ann Marie, and Nadine Taub, Adult Domestic Violence

    Constitutional. Legisiatlre and Equitable Issides (No. 4).

    Charfooi. Lawence S , and Stephen Feniehell, Daitghters at Risk.

    A Perwnal D.E.S History (No. 12).

    Continuing Legal Education, Office of, University of Kentucky, Re-port of Seintnar on Laa and Aging (No. 18).

    Department of the Army, The ATLP U'nteriEditor Handbook (KO. 5).

    Dernbaeh, John C., and Richard V. Singleton 11. A Pmdical Guide to Legal Writing arid Legal .Method (KO.


    Douglas, William 0.. The Court Yeai.8 1939-1975 (KO.

    Dum. Thomas Tin&), A Latoyer's Advice to Retirees (To. E).

    Edwards, >far? Frances, and Kristine L. Meyer, editors, Settlr-rne,,t mid Plea B ~ , ~ i r i i n g

    (To. 9).

    Elsenberg, Theodore, Civil Rights Legislation. Cnses owd .Maten- l i E

    ais (No. 10).



    Fenichell, Stephen, and Lawrenee S. Charfoas, Daughters ai Rxk.

    A Personal D E S. History (No. 12).

    Gillett, Yary C., The Army Medical Department, 1775-1828 (KO. 13).

    Gordon, Slurray, editor, Conflset in the Persian Gulf (KO. 14)

    Higham, Robin, and Donald J. Mrozek, editors, A Gdide to the

    Smrees of Cnited States .Military History: Supplement I (No. 15).

    Imwinkelried, Edward J., editor, Sezenttftc and Expert Eczdenee

    (Zd ed.) (So. 16).

    Jordan, Amos A,, and William J. Taylor, Jr,, Anierienn Sationol

    Security: Policy and Process (No. 17).

    Kaplan, Irving, and Harold D. Selson, Dep't of Army Pamphlet

    So. $50-28, Ethiopia' A Country Stxdy Cia, 23).

    Kentucky, University of, Office of Continuing Legal Education, Re-port OfSeminoT on Laic and Agmg (No. 18).

    Karnhaber, Arthur, and Kenneth L \Voodward, GrandparoitslGrandehildrr,i The Vital Connection (No. 19).

    Lillich, Richard B., editor, The Family zn International Law: Some Emerging Problems (Third Sokoi Colloquzum) (So. 20).

    Lillich, Richard B., editor, International Aspects of Cnminal Laic: Enfoorcing Cnited Stotes Law ~n the World Comnivnity (Fourth Sokol Coliog.aiumi (So. 21).

    Meyer, Kristine L., and Mary Frances Edwards, editors, Settie. ment and Plea Bargaining (So. 9).

    Mrozek, Donald J., and Robin Hipham, editors, A Guide to the

    Sources of Cnited States Ytlitary History. Suppiernext I (No. 16).

    Kash, Jay Robert, Almanac of World Crime (No. 22)

    Selson. Harold D , and Irving Kapian, editors, Dep'l of A m y

    Pan,piilei Z o 550-28

    Kilcolai, Sandra. et nl., Carems in C

    Sieolai, Sandra, et a!,, The Qurstio,i oj Cnpitol Puiiishmpnf (Sa. 25).

    Office of Continuing Legal Education, Unirersit) of Kentucky, Repmt ofSeniznar ar, Lou and Aging (KO.


    Rosenblum, Vieror G., and Frances Kahn Zemans, The Ilakixg of n

    Pablie Profession (KO. 29).

    Rothstein, Paul F., editor, Rilles ol E


    Sapp, Diane E., "Our Mission, Your Puttire,'' The Ciiited States Disciphnory Borracks, Fort Lemenmyfh, Konma. An O t ~ r

    Seeicnty. Policy and P,ocrsr (No. 17).

    USESCO, 1.SESCO Yearbook on Peace nnd Coi!,flict Sf


    Vmted Sarioni Educatmnal. Scientific and Cultural Organmtmn. C.TESCO Yearbook ori Pence mid Corifliet St,,d?rs (No. 25).

    Kentucky, Office of Continuing Legal Education. Re-nni Oli Liir n,ad &,,g (No. 181.

    Woodward, Kenneth L.. and Arthur Kornhaber, Grniidpnrriifsl

    Graridrhildren The Vit01 Co,*,irrtion (KO. 19).

    Family in International Law: Some Emerging Problems ((Third Sokol Colloquiuml, edcted by Rzehard B Lillieh, (No.


    Grandparents Grandchildren: The Vital Connection, by Arthur

    Koriihobei. n#id Keniieth L. ti'oodzcard (No. 19).

    Guide to the Sources of United States Military History, edzted by

    Robiiz Higdniii arid Donald J. Mrorek (No.


    Guideline for Fraud Auditing, by Jack Bologna (No. 3).

    International Aspects of Criminal Law: Enforcing United States

    Law in the World Community (Fourth Sokol Colloquium), edited by Richard B. Liliieh (So. 21).

    hl\Iaking of a Public Profession, by Fra~ices Kah,i Zemans and VLC-toi'G Rosrrihiz,w (No. 29).

    "Our Miesmn. Your Future," The United States Disciplinary Barracks. Fort Learenivorth, Kansas, An Overview, by Diane E sapp (KO.


    Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, by John C

    D~rn5oili nird Richord 1'. Singleton 11 (KO,


    Question of Capital Punishment, bg Snridra Sico!ai, et 0 1 (No 261,

    Report of Seminar on Law and Aging, 5y Of?ice of Codnuklqu Le-go1 Ediient,oi~. Vniwersity ofKentiicky (Sa. 18).

    Ruler of Evidence for the United States Courts and Magistrates

    Scientific and Expert Evidence, edited by Edward J Imzuinkelned

    (second edition), edited by P o d F. Rothstezz (No. 26).

    (Sa. 16).

    Seminar on Law and Aging, Report of, by Offtee of Conttnuzng Le-go/ Ed,icoiioir, l.,tzversity ofKentucky N o , 18).

    Settlement and Plea Bargaining. edited by Mary Frances Edcards oi,d Krrrti,tr L .Veyer (No 9).


    Soviet Bloc Merchant Ships, by Bruno Bock and Klaus Bock (So. 2).

    USESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies, by Cnited Xa-tzons Educational, Setentifiic and Cultural Organization (No. 28).


    1. Bieber, Doris M., Dictionarv of Cicrrent Am,encan Legal Cita-tions, Abridged Edition With Esamples. Buffalo, Sew York: William S. Hein & Co., 1981. Pages: iii, 233. Price: $6.60 (paper-back). Publisher's address: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1286 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. 14209.

    This work, a pocketbook or handbook in size, is designed to supplement and accompany the well-known authority, A Cnbforni System of Citatton (1976), often called the Bluebook or Hamord Blue-book. The Bluebook explains the rule of citation, with some examples and Several lists of abbreviations and citation forms. Bieber's work is entirely a list of examples in two columns. The right-hand column on each page lists in alphabetical order a great variety oi law reviews and journals, legal newspapers, case report-er8, and other recurring legal publications. The left-hand column shows the abbreviation of the publication title, followed by one or more examples ai complete citations to particular case8, articles, or pages in the publication.

    The Dictionary lists most of the publications and citation forms that most legal scholars and practicing attorney8 are likely to need. It 16 probably less useful to the military attorney, however. Listed are West's Mtlitary Justtce Reporter, the Lawyers' Ca-operative Court.Martza1 Reports, and the old U.S.C.M.A. official reporter, as well as the Mtlitary Lau Reporter and the Navy's JAG Journal No mention IS made of The Army Lawyer, the .Military Lau Re-vieto, the Air Force Law Review, the Advocate, the old Judge Ad-meate Journal, or any military regulations, pamphlets, manuals, or other similar materials often cited in military practice. Of course, most of these are not set forth either in the Bluebook, from which the Diettonary takes its inspiration.

    The Dictionarg here noted is described as an abridgement of a larger *-ark. The editor of the .Military Law Rethis larger work and has no information about it, except that It U'BE

    published by Hein in 1979 and sells for $19.60. It may be that the larger work contains more military citation forms than the abridged edition

    The book offers an explanatory preface for the guidance of users. Typewriter typeface IS used, and pient>- of space is left between entries to promote ease of reading.

    The compiler and editor of this u-ork, Doris M. Bieber, is law 11-brarian at the Vanderbilt Legal Information Center and Law LIbrary, Nashville, Tennessee. She is co-author, with Igor I. Kavess, af "Energy and Congress: An Annotated Bibliography of Congres. mnal Hearings and Reports," published by Hein in 1974. Ms. Bieber is also the compiler of "Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Used in American Law Books," published by Hem in paperback in 1979 and noted at 86 Mil. L. Rev 163 (fall 1979).

    2. Bock, Bruno, and Klaus Bock, Soziet Bloc Merchant Siiips. Annapolis, Maryland...

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