Readers respond to the 'Feminism' March issue.

AuthorGreen, James M.
PositionWE HEAR YOU - Letter to the editor

Reading Amitabh Pal's Comment (March issue), I was reminded of an abortion protester at the Summit Women's Health Clinic several years ago who bragged of completely controlling his wife. He talked of such things as not letting her go to the grocery store without a shopping list approved by him or not allowing her to make any other decisions pertaining to the household. His wife did not even leave the house without his approval. As an escort at local abortion clinics in Milwaukee since the early 1990s, I have met others of his ilk. It occurs to me that if those types of Christian fundamentalists were in control of the government, women in the United States might be no better off than women in lands controlled by Muslim fundamentalists.

--James M. Green

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

As a man who loves women, I take offense at almost all the articles you featured (March issue). These women are man-haters through and through...

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