Readers respond.


I just read the Jan 2002 mag, and the suggestion that we turn to a government health system is incredible for a publication that I assume supports private enterprise.

Our current system is in a mess because government got involved in the first place. Health insurance never should have been tax favored, and large employers have influenced government representatives since WW2 in an attempt to "give" benefits to tie employees to the employer.

Private-property-centered capitalistic markets improve living standards for more people, poor and rich, than any other system tried by man. It is not perfect, but better than any central-planned experiment by any government anywhere. And all the fundamentals are true for health care just as much as any other segment of the economy.

Let us scrap the current system, and let every family seek its own health care. Have government follow its proper role of setting standards that health-insurance plans must meet to be marketed, and employers can contribute to employees if they wish, through higher salaries.

Employees would be freer to move about in the economy, and would become better consumers of medical needs.

Wayne Six, Colorado Springs


I just read through your January issue and noticed that the review of the startup STATERA, Inc. indicates that it is in "Englewood", and that your offices are in "Englewood" as well.

A glance at a current map of the Denver metro area will show that STATERA is in Greenwood Village (over four miles outside the Englewood city limits), and that your office is in the newly incorporated city of Centennial (and over eight miles from...

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