Readers respond.

PositionLetter to the Editor


The article on the troubles small businesses are having with their health insurance plans was really touching. There is one solution and one solution only. It is universal health insurance.

There is no logic in tying access to health care to employment. Rationing health care on the basis of ability to pay instead of medical need is barbaric. We're talking government insurance, not government medicine.

Canada has good service for less than half as much per capita as we do. Yes, they have longer waits for non-urgent things but that is not the system, it's the under-funding. We are rapidly getting into the same situation here. Look at the people getting laid off and losing health insurance. Bang, one germ away from bankruptcy. I speak from a 40-year career in health administration.

Frederick C Sage, Boulder.


Ouch! You hit home -- again. I got my letter (from the AARP) a bit before you received yours (I was born 7/9/51) and I was forewarned by a sibling as well, many moons ago.

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