
"Nobody knows exactly what they should do, but anything is better than nothing."

--New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, discussing government bailouts of companies in the wake of the stock market crash, on the September 21 edition of Meet the Press

"I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism."

--Cintra Wilson on the popularity of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, writing in Salon, September 10

"Being a Libertarian isn't always easy. We like to say, 'Let the free market take care of everything!' I went on Jeopardy. I wound up with-$10,000."

--Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr, competing in D.C.'s 15th annual Funniest Celebrity Contest, September 10

"Every time a foreign tanker pulls up to our shore/ The,/got us over a barrel while...

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