
"I can blow off someone's head at close range and splatter blood, but I can't light a good Cuban."

--Daniel Craig, the latest James Bond, on the new no-smoking rule for his character, in Parade, October 1

"The labs start to decline, and you're happy. But the imported meth has really hit us hard.... It's cheaper now to buy it on the streets."

--Special Agent Phil Price, speaking to MSNBC on the success of the meth crackdown, September 18

"People have said, What is the value of gambling? Here is the value: Some human beings enjoy doing it. Shouldn't that be our principle? If individuals like doing something and they harm no one, we will allow them to do it, even if other people disapprove of what they do."

--Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), discussing anti-online-gambling legislation in the U.S. House of...

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