PositionChiapas, Mexico; slavery - Brief Article

Use with INTERNATIONAL, pages 16-19, and HISTORY, pages 23-25

FILL IN THE BLANK: Write the answer that best completes the statement.

  1. Vicente Fox is the first Mexican President in 71 years who is not a member of the -- Party.

  2. Mexico's rebels are named for --, a revolutionary and fighter for the rights of peasants.

  3. The rebels control territory in the state of Chiapas, not far from the border of --.

  4. --, who account for about 30 percent of the people of Chiapas, suffer Mexico's highest rates of malnutrition, illiteracy, and infant mortality.

  5. Many rebels have abandoned their homes to live in any of 38 --, communities, where they remain safe from attacks by pro-government paramilitary groups.

  6. To demonstrate his determination to end corruption, Vicente Fox required his cabinet members to promise publicly not to take --.

  7. Mexico has become a center of illegal -- traffic into the United States.

  8. The --, opposed by U.S. trade unions, dramatically cut tariffs (taxes) on goods traded between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

  9. Chiapas is a little over -- miles wide at its widest point.

  10. In 1820, the -- Compromise allowed the state for which it is named to join the U.S. as a slave state. In exchange, slavery was outlawed in a large part of the --, a territory acquired from France.

  11. Dred Scott based his claim to freedom on the fact that he had moved with his owner, Dr. John Emerson, to -- and --, jurisdictions where slavery was outlawed.

  12. In his majority opinion, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney cited the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution to justify his claim that slaves were the -- of their owners.

    CRITICAL THINKING: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

  13. The Zapatistas have no hope of military victory. So why is the Mexican government so concerned about the low-level conflict?

  14. More than 600 Americans are currently in jail in Mexico, many of them living in squalid, often dangerous conditions. The U.S. State Department suspects some of these are the victims of police corruption. Should the U.S. pressure Mexico to transfer these prisoners to American jails?

  15. Make an argument that the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott slavery case was based more on racism than on the...

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