Quiz 1.

PositionAttack on America, 2001 - Brief Article

Use with NATIONAL, pages 10-14


  1. Weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks, several Americans were contaminated by potentially deadly -- bacteria sent through the U.S. mail.

  2. New laws increase the length of time law-enforcement officials can detain -- without charging them with a crime.

  3. Why were two newspaper columnists fired in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks? --

  4. What is the major change in new laws regulating the government's authority to wiretap a suspect's phone or other electronic device? --

  5. Critics of loosened wiretap restrictions note that in the 1960s the Federal Bureau of Investigation tapped the phones of civil rights leader --

  6. Why did the White House ask TV news organizations not to broadcast speeches made by terrorist leader Osama bin Laden? --

  7. Great Britain's strategy for catching terrorists was to install -- in public places.

  8. What is the definition of racial profiling? --

  9. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, Arab-Americans and people from South -- report that they have been scrutinized more thoroughly than others at security checkpoints.

  10. Racial profiling first came to public notice when police in the state of -- were stopping African-Americans and other minorities in large numbers to conduct drug searches.

  11. What legal authority allowed the U.S. military to relocate Japanese-Americans to internment camps? --

  12. What reasoning did the U.S. Supreme Court offer when it ruled that the internment of Japanese-Americans, more than half of them children, was legal and proper? --

  13. How did the U.S. compensate Japanese-American survivors of the internment camps? --

    CRITICAL THINKING: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

  14. Some proponents of intensified surveillance to protect against terrorism say only the guilty should feel threatened by such surveillance. Do you agree?

  15. Why, if...

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