Quiz 1.

Use with NATIONAL, pages 8-11


  1. Many states now require high school students to pass -- exams before they can graduate.

  2. Students who fail standardized tests may be required to attend -- school.

  3. "Without -- testing, we do not know who is falling behind and who needs our help," said President Bush, as he appealed for more standardized testing of students.

  4. In January, President Bush signed into law a measure requiring the testing of students in grades 3 to 8 in two subjects, -- and --.

  5. The testing article identifies three states, New York, Massachusetts, and California, where parent- and student-led protests have prompted -- of the tests.

  6. Some schools, in an effort to push test scores higher, have begun to give -- to teachers whose students score high on standardized tests.

  7. Critics say that some schools are so focused on teaching students how to pass the test that they discard traditional -- plans so that students can be "taught the test."

  8. Alarmed by the prospect of their school doing poorly in standardized tests, some schools may be pressuring weaker students to --.

  9. On one test...

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