Pronunciation quiz

1. acumen: (a) /uh-KYOO-muh n/ or
(b) /AK-yuh-muhn/
2. applicable: (a) /uh-PLIK-uh-buhl/ or
(b) /AP-li-kuh-buhl/
3. certiora ri: (a) /suhr-shee-uh-R AIR-eye/ or
(b) /suhr-shee-AHR-ee/ or (c) /suhr-shee-u h-RAHR-ee/
4. comparable: (a) /KAH M-puh-ruh-buhl/ or
(b) /kuhm-PAIR-uh-buhl/
5. comptroller: (a) /KA HM-troh-luhr/ or
(b) /kuhn-TROH-luhr/
6. controversia l: (a) /kahn-truh-VU HR-shuhl/ or
(b) /kahn-truh-VU HR-see-uhl/
7. debacle: (a) /DEB-i-kuhl/ or (b) /di-BAH-kuhl/
8. defendant: (a) /di-FEN-duh nt/ or (b) /di-FEN-dant/
or (c) /di-fen-DANT/
9. disparate: (a) /DIS-puh-ruht/ or (b) /dis-PAIR-uht/
10. electoral: (a) /i-LEK-tuh-ruhl/ or (b) /i-lek-TOHR-
uhl/ or (c) /ee-lek-TOHR-uhl/
11. err: (a) /uhr/ or (b) /air/
12. formidable: (a) /FOR-mi-duh-bu hl/ or
(b) /for-MID-i-buh l/
13. gravamen: (a) /GRAV-uh-muhn/ or (b) /GRAH-
vuh-muhn/ or (c) /gruh-VAY-muhn/
14. heinou s: (a) /HAY-nuhs/ or (b) /HEE-nuhs/ or
(c) / HEE -ne e-u hs/
15. integra l: (a) /in-TEG-ruhl/ or (b) /IN-tuh-gru hl/
16. interesting: (a) /IN-tuh-res-ti ng/ or
(b) /IN-truh-sting/
17. irrevocable: (a) /i-REV-uh-kuh-buhl/ or
(b) /i-ruh-VOH-kuh-buhl/
18. mayoral: (a) /may-OR-uhl/ or (b) /MAY-uh-ruhl/
19. often: (a) /OFF-uhn/ or (b) /OFF-tuhn/
20. ophthalmolog y: (a) /o -thuh-MAHL-uh-jee/ or
(b) /op-thuh-MAHL-uh-jee/ or (c) /op-thul-MAHL -uh-
jee/ or (d) /o -thuhl-MA HL-uh-jee/
21. preferable: (a) /pri-FUHR-u h-buhl/ or
(b) /PREF-uhr-uh-buhl/
22. realt or: (a) /REEL-tuhr/ or (b) /REEL-uh-tuh r/
23. revocable: (a) /ri-VOH-kuh-buh l/ or
(b) /REV-uh-kuh-buhl/
24. vagar ies: (a) /vuh-GAIR-eez/ or
(b) /VAY-guh-reez/
25. vehement: (a) /vuh-HEE-muhnt/ or (b) /VEE-
Bryan A. Garne r, editor-in- chief of Black’s Law Dictio-
nary and author of ma ny books on advocacy and le gal
drafting, is th e distinguished resea rch professor of law
at Southern Met hodist University. His most rece nt book
is Nino and Me: My Unusual Friendship with Justice
Antonin Scalia.
1. (a). The pronunciation stres s-
ing the fi rst s yllable is a relative
2. (b). Here, the second-syllable
stress is relatively new.
3. (a). Believe it or not, this is t he
tradition al Anglo-Americ an pronun-
ciation, used mostly by very t radi-
tional old-timers. The usual and f ully
acceptable pronunciation is (c). If
you’re unsure, just say cert.
4. (a). This one, like No. 21, is a lin-
guistic marker for educate d speech.
5. (b). This one surprises many
people. The “spell ing pronunciation”
is tradit ionally considered inc orrect.
The history is a stra nge one: medi-
eval Latinis ts tried respelling the
word controller based on false e ty-
mology (thinking the root count-
[Latin compt-] came into play, when
in fact it was just t he prefi x con-).
They didn’t intend to have the word’s
pronunciation ch ange, but the spell-
ing pronunciation b ecame wide-
spread in the second half of t he 20th
6. (a). The second choice is just an
overpronunciat ion.
7. (b). This mispronunciation here
is similar to say ing /fuh-KAYD/ for
8. (a). It’s a schwa in the fi na l sylla-
ble. For some reason, law professors
often accent the la st syllable with a
short -a-, perhaps to help their st u-
dents spell the word correct ly on
9. (a). There’s no parrot in this
10. (a). Think of election, with the
accent on the second syllable. The
word is often misspelle d and mispro-
nounced as if it were electorial.
11. (a). The old pronunciation may
be a lost cause, given the a nalogy to
the noun error (which is pronounced
only one way).
12. (a). First syllable, not second, is
13. (c). This word is seen more
often than hear d, and people seem to
guess at it s pronunciation.
14. (a). It rhymes with pain us.
15. (b). Think of the initial stress i n
16. (b). There’s a strange tendency
to making this t hree-syllable word
into four. Think of principa l and
interest. Nobody would say
/I N - tu h - re s t /.
17. (a). Some lawyers seem to want
to call to mind t he related word
18. (b). As with pastoral
19. (a). The -t- is traditiona lly
silent, as in fasten and liste n.
Sounding the -t- makes for another
so-ca lled spelling pronuncia tion.
20. (d). Ye t most doctors, I’m
assured, say /op-/, not /o -/. In fact,
opto is a slang shortening oft en used
in hospita ls.
21. (b). See No. 4.
22. (a). Two syllables, not three.
23. (b). See No. 17.
24. (a). The word has little to
do with the modern sense of the
word vague, even though they
both derive from the Lati n vagus
“wa nde ri ng.”
25. (b). The fi rst syllable is
accented, and the -h- is si lent.

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